cleaner wrasse

  1. C

    Can Purple Tangs and Cleaner Wrasses have Toxic Relationship?

    I have a purple tang and cleaner wrasse paired together. The cleaner wrasse would swim around the tang, cleaning and doing its thing. I started noticing the cleaner wrasse would always go for the arm pits (both) of the purple tang. Now the Tang’s armpits are white, as if the cleaner wrasse...
  2. J

    Blue Streak Cleaner Wrasse attacking

    Have you had experience with blue streak cleaning wrasse attacking fish? What can I do to make the environment better. The fish have been in the same tank for about 6 months with no issues. Ours has been darting towards our Midas able. Y nd now he is afraid to come out. Every time he tries to...
  3. A

    Cleaner Wrasse red sore

    Any input is appreciated. My cleaner wrasse has an open red sore. Idk what it is or what to do next. I don't want it to kill my tank if it is sick. Can anyone identify this? Thanks
  4. W

    Help prevent excessive algae growth, Kessil Ap9x settings for Red Sea Reefer 250

    Hey Reefers, I recently started a Red Sea Reefer 250 tank! I’m currently 4 months in and things are slowly settling in with the nitrates and fishes are comfy! I had a question about Kessil lighting and what settings I should run. Ever since I got the Kessil light there has been excessive algae...
  5. KateAtkins

    Two weird and terrible fish deaths. Help!

    I have had two large-ish fish die in a week. Both in weird ways. Cleaner wrasse I found curled up in a corner gasping. When I went to fish him out he tried to swim but couldn’t. He had a weird puff of flesh at the join on his fin and it wasn’t working at all. He’d been in the tank since the...
  6. chemicals

    EMERGENCY New engineer goby getting bullied bad

    Hi all, Yesterday was a disaster. When getting home from my LFS I drip acclimated two new juvenile engineering gobies. Did a lot of research on them and figured they would be a great addition. When adding the first one it instantly swam into the pistol shrimp/YWG den and got shot up and...
  7. Nutramar Foods

    Jewel Like Juliis

    The fish we usually call the “Julii Cleaner Wrasse” here in North America has a few other common names worldwide like “Yellowband Tubelip,” which makes sense when you see the adult coloration and exaggerated lips. The “Yellow Tail Wrasse,” which is unimaginative, but also accurate for both the...
  8. Raphael Dalmeida

    Cleaner wrasse diet

    Hi All, While there's plenty of articles and topics mentioning "how difficult it is to keep them", i couldn't find much around an ideal diet for them. (E.g.: mix of flakes, meaty foods, nori, x times per day). I'm wondering if the experienced people here have an idea of the best things to...
  9. vaguelyreeflike

    Pterois Volitan with Cleaner Wrasse

    I have read so much mixed info online, some people say it worked for them with their volitan, others say theirs ate the wrasse. So as I understand it, it’s 50/50. Our lionfish lives in our ‘live’ rock tank, so obviously if disease happens in that tank from cross contamination or something, we...
  10. Primus

    Blue Streak Cleaner Wrasse harassing my Long Nose Hawk

    I recently purchased a Long Nose Hawk, A Clownfish and a Cleaner Wrasse. For the most part, everything has gone well except that I have noticed that the cleaner seems to target the Long Nose Hawk disproportionately compared to the other fish for his cleaning service. The Long Nose hawk appears...
  11. Biota_Marine

    Livestock Captive-bred Cleaner Wrasse available!

    I have only 10 left from this first batch of blue streak cleaner wrasse. These guys have been eating everything and so fun to watch in the tank. Check them out on the site
  12. PMReef

    Is my cleaner wrasse sick?

    Hello, am I new to this incredible hobby and have had mu share of mistakes and things that need to improve, I recently had ich in my tank and I put a cleaner wrasse that was working with all the my fish 24/7 never stop eating the white spots. Now I see him tired and kind of sick. So my question...
  13. GTM42

    Have you been buying the wrong Cleaner Wrasse?

    There is always a lot of buzz around new aquarium fish that are very colorful and rare like new fairy wrasses and basslets, however, in the scientific world, they have some often more helpful criteria when it comes to the excitement for new fish. Today’s fish spotlight is a perfect example of...
  14. reefkeeperCOL

    Cleaner Wrasse with SixLine Wrasse compatibility

    Hi, I have a Cleaner wrasse for about 3 years, last week I got a little six line Wrasse, at this moment the new wrasse stay in QT. actually I'm wondering if there is any chance that my cleaner wrasse bother the new little one . do you have any experience with those wrasses?
  15. E

    Cleaner Wrasse

    So I have a 90 gallon with a 30 inch snowflake eel, flame angel, sixline wrasse, red mandarin, copperband butterflyfish, and a 4 inch black durgon triggerfish (will be moved once he becomes big enough, so he doesn't get eaten). A week ago, I added a cleaner wrasse. He's been eating 3x daily for...
  16. SourAngelfish

    Cleaner Wrasse

    I intern at an LFS and I occasionally feed the fish. I was thinking of purchasing a cleaner wrasse when I get my new reef tank set up. I understand that it is a relatively irresponsible decision to purchase a cleaner wrasse knowing it will most likely die, but would it still be considered...
  17. Slyler

    Do I need a cleaner fish?

    I have a couple of fish that seem to want to be cleaned by my cleaner shrimp, show up where the two of them hang out and flash for them. the cleaner shrimp don't care to clean them or anything. this has been going on for a few months, and I haven't found ich, or disease on the fish, I think it's...
  18. All About Reef Safe Wrasses in Aquaria

    All About Reef Safe Wrasses in Aquaria

    Introduction My name is Hunter and I am a wrasse addict. Admitting such is the first step to buying another wrasse, I think. Wrasses are not only my passion, but my niche in this hobby since 2010. My tank is full of them, and unfortunately “regular” species are no longer exciting enough for...