coral colors abcd

  1. knockout

    Making the move from 2 part to All for Reef - a reef log

    I'm...going to give All for Reef a try - who is using this product? any notes in usage are appreciated! I am going to go thru the changeover to All for Reef to simplify the dosing regimen below. Understanding that AFR has a metabolic process to raise Alk in the tank and to prevent any Alk...
  2. L

    Help with tank parameters/additives?

    Hi everyone, I just started tracking my tank's parameters more closely so I can identify what needs improving. (I dont have a ton of coral growth or color) My understanding of the interactions of elements is not perfect, and now after reading a ton of research- im overwhelmed by conflicting...
  3. Kevinkmk

    How to boost coral color's vibrant and glow?

    Hi everyone, I having some difficult to keep my corals color to its best. Usually when I bought bought new corals they are very vibrant and glowing with its color. However after sometimes, their glowing will fade away but their base color is still there. Wondering what should I do? Thank you...