coral qt

  1. C

    If I have Dinos in my Coral QT, is it worth battling?

    Setup my first coral QT about a two weeks ago now. I've had my DT running for 6 months now. But I haven't had any lights on the tank, since I haven't had any corals. So I didn't realize quite how quickly nuisance algae can tank over a tank. Especially one that is fresh and clean like a freshly...
  2. Muffin87

    Kessil A80 enough for SPS quarantine tank in the 5-10G range?

    I'm getting either the Eshopps Deskmate 5G or the Waterbox 10 G as a coral quarantine for easy SPS: Pocillopora (Cauliflower) Seriatopora (Bird's nest) Stylophora (Cat's Paw) Montipora Digitata (Finger) Acropora Yongei (Bali Green Slimer) Do I need a a Kessil A160WE 40w, or can I get away with...
  3. B

    Coral QT and Regular Dips?

    So I am back in the hobby after a 10+ year break and set up a 100 gallon tank that I will eventually have mainly SPS. Tank is 7 months old and I set up torch and hammer gardens in the sides of the tank. Wanting to do things properly, I set up a 20 gallon long coral / invert QT. All of my...
  4. Taxus812

    How far apart to place frags in QT ?

    Things don't always go as planned and I am back asking for help again. I got to go to my first coral show over the weekend. Since it was my first time going to one, never dipped coral and never QT'ed, the plan was simple, raid the bargain bins. I also wanted to meet venders, get business...
  5. JSpen

    How to set up a SPS QT tank

    Im trying to set up a qt tank to allow a couple of weeks of observation before frags are moved over to frag tank. Need some suggestions on lights, flow, etc. This will be a 10 gallon tank for SPS only, will be in the QT for max of three weeks. Thanks all!
  6. Idoc

    Need Help Identifying Type of Dinos

    The Bad News: Microscope finally arrived and confirmed my Coral QT junk is Dinos! But, I am having a hard time determining exactly what type of Dinos I have! Please see attached photo... This Coral QT has been a royal pain in the hind-end since starting it. I am really starting to wonder if...
  7. Idoc

    Ideas for mechanical filtration in coral QT

    My coral QT seems to have dirty water all the time. It's only nice sparkling clear after a water change, but quickly the gunk starts to build up on the walls and the sand gets cloudy residue quickly. I have some gha growth in the tank but minimal... mostly get a brownish dusting or algae...
  8. ihavecrabs

    Quarantine Success!! Yes, you read that right.

    Scanning the Fish Disease QT page, we find ourselves scanning a lot of "QT Failed" threads. Tonight, I discovered an unwanted pest in my quarantine tank this evening (Not fish... I know.. probably the wrong section but since we cover coral QT here ;) ) however, I wanted to spread the good...