gall crab

  1. R

    Issues with AquaSD

    Ordered an aquacultured Monsoon elegance coral from AquaSD. To my surprise, a gall crab jumped out of the skeleton when I introduced it into my tank. Then I noticed the elegance had 3 deep holes in its skeleton and some of the skeleton was even chipped. This made me question whether the...
  2. gingeramoeba

    Advice on Lobos please

    Howdy! I picked up a couple Lobos today from my LFS. Apparently I did not inspect this one very well because after I brought it home I made a few unpleasant discoveries: 1. Receding tissue on about 1/8th of the coral 2. 2-3 mm, perfectly round hole in the meaty portion of the coral 3. Gall...
  3. K

    crab on elegance coral

    Hi everyone, I just got this elegance coral and found this crab. I think it’s a gall crab and I’ve been reading conflicting information about them. Some articles say they are reef safe while other posts claim they will kill the coral. I’ve also seen posts where someone has removed the crab and...
  4. F

    Elegance pest

    A few hours ago I had picked up a nice looking elegance from a LFS. The coral had been there for almost a month and looked beautiful. I took it home, drip acclimated, dipped and put the piece in my 125 gallon reef. About an hour ago from now I had spotted some claws coming from the elegance's...