led reefbreeders lumenbar

  1. higorc

    48" ATI SunPower 8 x 54W Light w/ 2 Reefbreeders Lumenbar - $300

    Light is in great condition. Bulbs are about 1 year old. Please PM with any questions. No shipping for this one. Thanks Higor
  2. J

    Maryland Lighting Drygoods SOLD Reefbreeders Lumenbar V2 high octane 24”

    I have a Reefbreeders lumenbar v2 24” for sale. Used only 4-5 months before switching to 2 orpheks on new tank. It really makes the corals pop. I’ll post pics if anyone is interested. $100 local/$120 shipped firm. Willing to trade for a kessil blue tuna a80 or ai 16 prime.
  3. LanM

    New York 3 New In box Reefbreders Lumenbar 48 led lights Buffalo NY
