nitrite spike

  1. vienna

    New seahorse tank. Day 4 Ammonia & Nitrite spike! 50L tank. What should I do?

    Hi. I’ve converted my QT never had medication in it to a seahorse tank. She’s only 50L & cycled fallow 3 mths before adding new livestock. Weds, 4 days ago roughly I’ve added 2 very young long snout seahorses. 2 tiny baby spotted mandarin fish & 1 Ruby red also tiny baby size. Tonight my...
  2. rajdeepsaha

    EMERGENCY Clownfish fading colors breathing heavily new tank

    Hi All, I am completely new to Reef Tank and 2 clowns were added less than a week back who arent doing well. Its a 67 Gallon Tank and the guy who set it up said all water parameters are good. Tank has just two fishes - likely 3 band Clownfish/Clarkii. Noticed One of the fishes to have torn /...
  3. E

    Hello Too much beneficial bacteria?

    I’ve recently brought a saltwater tank and after cycling it added 3 fish. After a week of having the fish in the tank I’ve had a nitrite spike, due to my own fault of feeding them too much the first few days whilst getting used to it all. A visit to my LFS (10 days into spike with nitrite...
  4. HankstankXXL750

    Catastrophe while cleaning

    While I was cleaning my Fowler 160 gallon 40 gallon sump. I turned my ice cap in sump scrubber pump off but left the light on so I could see to vacuum the sump. I left it on for the entire time that I was doing my water changes and cleaning some algae off of the rocks. While refilling I noticed...