
  1. B

    EMERGENCY Need liquid encouragement…

    To make the short and sweet. I am a saltwater newbie. Been doing it for two months now. Stock included two clowns, yellow, watchmen, and pistol, red Cori’s wrasse, some snails and hermits, bangai cardinals…. and then I went to the fish store and got some freaking blue/green chromis. I told the...
  2. U

    EMERGENCY Decoration in fish QUARENTINE?

    Hi everyone I have a 55g quarentine tank with two decorations from Petco fish seems to love it I have copper power at 2.50 will this affect anything?
  3. T

    New reefer: quarantine clown death.

    Is this ick? New to reefing, I purchased a stocked used tank. I got two clown fish this weekend and one just died this AM suddenly (was eating yesterday). The other appears fine so far, should I start treating with copper? If it gets full course of copper is it truly safe to put it in my...
  4. Peach02

    Aerosol Transmission Questions

    Im looking into setting up a coral quarantine and fish quarantine tank (seperate) however in research I've come across aerosol transmission and that diseases like velvet can travel about 1m (3 feet) in the air, My question is do tank lids limit / stop this and would having them at a different...
  5. Peach02

    Can you have inverts in a fallow?

    I've been doing some research before setting up a new tank as I want to quarentene everything this time around. I want to have a fallow period before adding any fish to the tank my question however is will it still be effective at starving out disease if their are inverts like shrimp, snails...
  6. Peach02

    Trochus Snail lost its shell

    So I've had this snail since the day I added live rock and he's been going strong ever since but I ****** up today I was trying to stabilise a rock before it fell on somthing and saw the snail sitting right under it so I'm like okay your in danger I need to move you I went to move him grabbed...
  7. Peach02

    White substance on starfish

    I got this red starfish today and just noticed a white substance on its arm and a lump which I think is somthing it ate