
  1. J

    Bristle tooth tang weird spot

    Yesterday I saw this spot on my tang closer to the head I thought it was a scrape. Then this morning I see the second mark closer to the tail… is this just a scratch or something else and should I treat…. Brand new tank I just set up I had this fish for 4 years
  2. R

    EMERGENCY Scratched display

    I found that my powerhead magnet scratched my display glass. 75 gallon. Tons of livestock. Will the scratch turn into a crack?
  3. A

    Build Thread Thom's 150 build - the restart

    I'm joining in the Build Thread - at the encouragement of the moderators - and as Val Kilmer's Doc Holiday said in Tombstone - "I'm your Huckleberry!" My build thread will start with a what not to do. Or, if you do attempt to do this be prepared for what you're getting yourself into. Read on -...
  4. B

    White injury on blue tang + dots.. ich, or something else?

    Just recently, one of my blue hippo tangs has seemed to get some sort of injury on his back. I think it may be ich, because of the white dots near his front, but the back injury seems to be something completely different, like someone was fighting him. I think it might be a combination of ich...
  5. D

    Flukes or a scratch?

    Hey everyone I’m just being a little cautious, I did a water change today and right now I have two clowns and a starry blenny in the tank. Everything went well, later on I noticed something on the side of my starry blenny it looks like he scratched himself on a rock or something but there’s also...
  6. M

    Yellow tang side discoloration

    Hi guys Looking for some input on what the white scuffs/discoloration on my yellow tang could be. I attached some pics below, it's only on one side right at the lateral line and a smaller discoloration half inch below the lateral line that can't be seen clearly on the pictures. This little guy...
  7. Injoynit

    Do some fish scratch but not have ick?

    I have noticed that some fish seem to scratch themselves against the sand bed every once in a while and it seems territorial to me but was not sure if that was a "thing" so I thought I'd ask and see if anyone knew.