uv reactive art

  1. Vivid Creative Aquatics

    Two Weeks to Get Your Jelly On!

    LIMITED RELEASE FUN-COLORED FLEX-SERIES RFG NOZZLES These fun-colored Random Flow Generator® Nozzles will add a pop of color to your aquarium and bring some whimsy to your flow solution. Manufactured with reef-safe TPU, a firm rubber-like material, the Flex-Series RFG Nozzles introduce a new...
  2. rlkilwil

    Custom Reef-Themed Paintings- spots open!

    Hey everyone! My name is Reisa, and I’m an art student and professional artist as well! I have been painting for over ten years and have combined my love of reef keeping with my love of art by creating custom reef- themed art for peoples fish rooms or above their tanks! I even use UV reactive...