vermatid snail

  1. nycfreshreef

    Question about pests on new frags lps

    Hope everyone is doing well , just wanted to get your opinions. I took a very long break from the hobby and recently got back in about a year ago. since then , I have spent nearly 5 figures with a large/popular company that is supposedly quarantining their corals in an attempt to be pest free...
  2. L

    Long Stringy Worms - Vermatid Snails?

    I've noticed alot of these white stringy worms flowing off my Shaving Brush Macroalgae. They seem to fit the description of Vermatid Snails, but I don't see any shell or body at the base–only little white specs. Could they be in a larval stage? Or something else? Also, is it irritating the...