black spot disease

  1. J

    Black spots on rabbit fish after ich treatment.

    It’s as the title says I noticed 2 little ich spots on my fox face rabbit fish treated it with the last of my paraguard and finished up with api super ich treatment it cleared up and the day I was supposed to do my 25% change I noticed black specs on it can anybody identify them? My parameters...
  2. LAreefdude

    What is this gray spot on my Timin Tang

    Hi All, I bought a Tomini Tang on Monday Feb 22nd. This is my first Tang. It is in 10 gallon QT (No Medication) QT for observation purposes. After couple days I noticed a gray, darkish spot on the side near the paddle fin. I have attached a pic. It doesn’t seem to be a raised spot like flukes...
  3. M

    Black ich (Paravortex)

    Hi everyone, I have a special request, and hope someone might help me out on this. I am a PhD student in the Zoology lab at Hasselt University, Belgium. I am working on evolution of endosymbiotic (i.e. living inside the body of another species) flatworms. One of the species I am interested in...