cade 600s2

  1. SaltwaterandLime

    Build Thread CADE-a-palooza - SaltwaterandLime's RAP raffle win build thread

    I normally group all of my tanks into one chaotic rambling build thread which you can find over at SaltwaterandLime's epic adhd build thread.... but because of the added excitement of this tank i thought it deserved its own thread. This past weekend my husband and I attended reefapalooza...
  2. F

    First Time Reefer - Cade 600 S2

    Hi, Im new to Reefing but after decades of being away from the tropical fish hobby I decided to start a new adventure. I agonized over what to do and where to start and unfortunately i only have 1 friend in the hobby and he only started a couple months before me. :) i wish i thought of...