dr. tim's one and only

  1. G

    High Nitrites in Fishless Cycle. Will Copepods Survive?

    This question has two parts: 1. My first tank (40 gallon) has been running for about a week and a half. I've seen lots of change in my nitrite levels culminating in a spike last night, however my ammonia and nitrate have been borderline undetectable the entire time. Is this normal? 2. I...
  2. dryza

    Cycling Stalled, Please Help! No Ammonia, VERY HIGH Nitrite and Nitrate

    Hi everyone- I'm fairly new to the hobby and have had an Evo 13.5 for about 9-10months and decided it was time for an upgrade. My new tank is a Waterbox 50.3 AIO and I started the fishless cycle about 4 weeks ago (CaribSea Dry Sand & LifeRock). I went the route of Dr. Tim's One and Only...
  3. D

    Cycle confusion

    Hello there, I started my 125l tank on October 18th, added live rock (about 10 kg) and been constantly adding Dr. Tim’s One and Only. For about few weeks ammonia was high about (1ppm) then two weeks ago it dropped to 0.2 ppm and a week ago it was 0.86 ppm again. Now for the last week my Red Sea...