flood guardian

  1. McJaeger

    My fix for stuck ATO sensors and accidentally flooded tanks!

    Hey guys. I wanted to share my solution to a problem I've had a few times since I installed an ATO a few months ago. I haven't seen any threads with this exact fix and I'm a bit new to the hobby, so pardon me if this is common knowledge. I'm using the XP Aqua Duetto as an ATO for my Fluval EVO...
  2. MarineDepot

    Tired of flooding your kitchen, garage, or bathroom?

    Tired of flooding your kitchen, garage, or bathroom? VIDEO: How to install the Flood Guardian from XP Aqua
  3. MarineDepot

    Why chasing colors is better than chasing numbers

    Why chasing colors is better than chasing numbers Join us Friday for a live Q&A with Jeremy Howell of Brightwell Aquatics! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!