
  1. 305

    Soflo-wysiwyg RRC RAINBOW SPLICE 400$ shipped to all 50

    Hey guys, New to selling on r2r… but been doing this awhile. I have a frag of rrc rainbow splizzy for sale And will include shipping in the purchase. Fully documented and transparent will send photos through out the process! 400$ shipped 350$ local purchase. So-flo will meet within a reasonable...
  2. IslandLifeReef

    Florida Live Goods RedSea Reefer 170 and all Equipment

    Selling fully stocked RS Reefer 170 with all livestock and equipment. Equipment includes tank, stand, AI 26hd light, hybrid light fixture with bulbs, Octopus 110 skimmer, RS dose4, sump, maxspect gyre and more. Livestock includes two clownfish, one 6 stipe wrasse, large duncan coral, large...