
  1. DxMarinefish

    Build Thread GazuntaiReef - 280G Mixed Reef - Algae Turf Scrubber as main Filtration from 2007

    Hello everyone, My name is David and I live in Manchester, England. Thanks for stopping by my GazuntaiReef build thread! UPDATE MONDAY 22 MARCH 2021: I use Core7 Triton method to maintain most of my parameters. The aquarium is around 280 Gallons. Lightly stocked at the moment with both hard...
  2. DxMarinefish

    Adding a six line wrasse to a 250gal with koi wrasse

    Hi All, I have a 250 gal mature system, and currently have a Koi / Red Head Solon Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus solorensis) in there. I was considering adding a six line wrasse (Pseudocheilinus hexataenia) to this and wondering if the two wrasses will get along, or will be there be warfare? other...