happy fish

  1. Jeremy_d

    Picked up a pair of premier black snowflake clowns today

    Got this beautiful pair today. They are about one inch long and don’t have any early signs of sickness and have already eaten. They will be in this QT tank for 2 months to grow a little bit and to make sure they are healthy. QT Tank: 5 gallon Sicce micron internal filter running chemipure blue...
  2. anabechara

    Enrichment for the fish???

    Hello everyone! I am wondering if you guys know a way to provide enrichment / exciting experiences for my fish. I have a 45G tank with 2 clowns, 1 royal gramma, 1 gold midas blenny, 1 longnose hawkfish and 2 banggai cardinal. I would like to help them have some fun to make their lives happier...