#help #fishpoop #whitepoop

  1. CrunchAttack

    Tape-Like Poop

    Hello! I'd love any insight folks might have for a new hobbyist with his first fish. My clownfish started having stringy tape-like poop last week. It sticks to his body, is thicker and flat like a piece of white tape. At first his behavior hadn't changed much, but now he is swimming mostly...
  2. Gophish1982

    Stringy poop Tang

    I’ve only caught my yellow tang pooping 3 times since I got it a few weeks ago. It’s eating fine and looks much healthier then it did when I first got it (it was very pale at the LFS). It has stringy poop though and from what I’ve read it can indicate parasites. I’m also wondering if it’s...
  3. P

    EMERGENCY acanthurus Bahianus poops white sand

    Hi everyone! I’ve been looking around this topic, I could not find it sorry if it is a repeated topic but I just introduce a bahianus and he poops a lot and it looks like white sand! Is this normal or what should I do! Thank you so much
  4. Boido

    White thick fish poop hanging

    hi, I literally just got my fish today, And it seems 3 of my goldfish all had this problem, i have no idea if its parasites or not? im worried and idk what to do does anyone know what i can do? any suggestions? advice? and how to treat it?