
  1. polyppal

    MASSIVE Chicago Nem

    My friend Angelo’s insane Chicago Anemone that won’t split… (those Nasos are full size) I’m guessing it’s about 18-20” diameter (you could fit a golfball in its mouth easily) Anyone else seen a bubble tip this big that hasn’t split?
  2. HmoneyReefOkc

    Large Equipment for 1,000 gal + system

    Looking for the following for my upcoming build: Radion Gen 3 XR30 Pro's- Need 6 more currently have 6. Looking for Large Skimmer rated at least 1,000+ gallons, same for cal reactor. Looking for 2 Hammerhead/Barracuda Gold Hybrids.
  3. Justgottadiy

    Fun and easy project anyone can do

    Floating dropoff aquarium
  4. Dalton Hunter

    Huge snowflake price?

    So I have a massive snowflake eel in my tank that I'm considering selling but I dont know a good price for them at the size he is at. Most I find online is for 12" max, and mine is at least 30" of not more and a little bit bigger around than a golf ball. This guy eats 8 silverside almost every day.