
  1. H

    Impossible to Catch Fish

    We have been trying to catch 1 Zebra Dart Fish for the last 2 months. I feel like we have tried everything - TankMatez, Bait and Net, Bait and Hook - Nothing works. It is so incredibly skiddish and afraid of everything that nothing seems to be effective. He wont go anywhere near the orifice of...
  2. leilanastasia

    Hello HELP! Ruby Red Dragonet not eating, lethargic and sleeping?

    I just bought my ruby red dragonet yesterday. It was in the fish store for a week before taking it home (I put it on hold). I’ve been preparing for dragonets in my tank for awhile now (I have a culture hatchery established) and was finally ready to bring one home. I didn’t notice until he was...
  3. M

    Possible ick. Please help!

    Hello everyone I have noticed some spots on my trigger and sweetlips that looks like potential ick. I was hoping you could help me identify it. There were similar spots on my angelfish a week ago but since have gone away. You can only see the spots at certain times on the fish and they aren’t 3D...