
  1. Huma

    Texas Live Goods Torches, Shrooms, Zoas & more FS in DFW

    Located in DFW (North Fort Worth) Pics taken under heavy blues using orange filter. Pickup only. Text 2144028888 for fastest response. Single White tips Malaysian Gold torch - 180 Single Ultra Grade Tiger Torch (HUGE BRIGHT HEAD) - 600 Splitting OG Hellfire Torch - 150 Single OG Hellfire...
  2. Acro76

    All Scolymia and Acanthophyllia Corals 30% off now until Monday!

    Check them out on the site here: https://cherrycorals.com/product-category/lps-corals/scolymia-and-cynarina/
  3. BenThomas

    Scoly Splitting Mystery

    Hey guys! Picked up a scolymia today from the LFS. And it looks to be splitting. And the owner of the LFS (great guy, knowledgeable to say the least) also described it this way. I had never heard of a scoly splitting before, and thought that, apart from us taking the saw to them, they only...