unleveled tank

  1. NanoMike

    Red Sea reefer 170 unleveled

    Just wondering if my reefer 170 is okay being a tad unleveled. I filled it up with water over the weekend and noticed based on the water line that it’s unleveled. I used my iPhone as a level and apparently that is not very accurate. Here are the measurements of the water line from the water line...
  2. Danh Ngo

    Uneven Stand Top

    I built a tank stand 3'x 2' x 2' - the stand top is flat, no decorating trim. Tank is a rimless tank - about 70Gallon The top is a bit uneven, - I think the board that I used for the top was not even. I did bought the self-leveling mat from Innovative Marine-...
  3. rerana

    Unleveled Tank... how big of a Problem?

    My tank generaly has a lot of flow on the surface, but I turned off the pumps the other day and noticed that the tank is not leveled. Yikes! It is not a lot, but it is not minor either. When everything is turned off, the waterline in the back is about 54 millimeters off the top, but only...