
  1. G

    Red Sea RSK 300 Vibration

    Hi everyone, 1st time post. I have a 60gal FOWLR with future plans to add some coral once I get a hang of maintaining stable parameters for several months. I also need to stop spending so much money on my aquarium.. we'll see how long that lasts. Question: I find my red sea skimmer (AC motor...
  2. M

    My Skimz SN127 is too loud

    Hi guys, recently I bought used Skimz SN127 with DC pump and thought it was bargain... But after a while I tried to power it on and it works loudly. I disassembled it and the pump (Skimz QPS 1.2) vibrates. Even with detached pinwheel it shakes (so imbalance of the pinweel is not an issue). The...
  3. harley628

    Internal vibration thoughts

    Would like to hear your thoughts on the effects of internal pump vibration on corals. Recently plumbed an external DIY filter using a power head and it caused corals to Immediately close. (Already went through the steps to find the issue) after much experimentation with flow rates, different...
  4. harley628

    Internal vibration thoughts

    Would like to hear your thoughts on the effects of internal pump vibration on corals. Recently plumbed an external DIY filter using a power head and it caused corals to Immediately close. (Already went through the steps to find the issue) after much experimentation with flow rates, different...