00W's AIO Smorgasbord


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Good morning y'all!
Happy taco Tuesday!
I had burritos yesterday. I think there is juuuust enough ingredients for taco Tuesday - whew!


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@ESABOE How are you feeling today with the new treatment?
Morning Luis,

so far nothing new - it will take a bit to see any real side-effects. This one is not as harsh on side-effects I think - other then my 30 days of getting some hair on my head now will go back to bald - but that’s ok. I have a Dodger cap for just such occasions - hehe.

It looks like the leg is a problem though, I’m flying to San Francisco in two weeks to meet with orthopedic oncologist to discuss possibilities of surgery on femar. They want me to use walker 24/7. I’m glad i did the Florida trip when I did - and had all the young TSA guys lifting me into their big trucks - lol. Man. I should have gotten a picture of that classic embarrassing moment!


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yippe.. my hanna checker for nitrate is here....I so thing the red sea kit chems are not working kit is old....Been dosing nopox for over a week. can't wait to see ####s....once this bottle is done tank will be on vinegar/vodka/rodi diy formular. I am so done with alot of reactors for stuff...to much cleaning and time consuming and mess. Only have the spinning small bio ball reactor, and gas exchange tower that I built, now and when needed gfo reactor.
Your gonna love the Hanna!


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@luis angel ..ok if you have space restrictions and can't use a second pump I get it. Tank size really has no impact on this, it is about water flow speed.
Here is what I have learned and have set up in my sump on the 300.
I have a dedicated pump for my UV, since I want to be able to control the water speed through the UV without effecting the return rate of water to the tank. Most UV provide a rate chart of what your are tying to achieve with the UV. Speed matters for example are you using it to control algae etc or are you using it to control and minimize health pests to your fish ? Both are achieved by different dwell times in the UV. (I will stop at that as it can go down a rabbit hole, just wanted to keep it simple right now)
So if your return pump to the tank has to be faster or slower then the parameter's of the UV flow rate, the UV is not doing much.
Also, having the UV on its own pump allows you to say one week if you have alot of green water you can adjust UV speed to deal with it and then adjust back to deal with parasites,,,
I also do not have my UV returning water to the tank, I have it taking water from the sumps last chamber and returning it to the last chamber. So when I shut off my return pump to the tank for cleaning or feeding, the uv pump and uv are working still, just in a recirculating mode and I do not run the risk of burning out the UV due to lack of water through it. Having my UV pump pull water and return water to the last chamber allows my return pump to the tank to deliver the UV'ed water without me having to have a pump on the UV that can handle pushing water 5 feet to the tank..so a smaller pump for the UV
In your case you could pull water from mid sump and return to same chamber so that it is recirculating and you do not run the UV without water.
Also for cleaning, having two pumps allow you to clean them independently and when you have to do Maintenace on the UV it does not stop water to the tank.

I hope this make you think...preparing for the future is one thing I learned about this hobby..simple is better...along with easier.

I am here for you...
Mine is exactly like this - for very same reasons. I want to be able to switch from algae to fish parasites depending on what’s happening in tank.


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Hey, awesome new badge! Congrats! Thanks for being an excellent, incredible person! :star-struck:
Thank you DMG. I didn’t see the notification right away - Wi-Fi issues today - ugh.


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Embarrassing- can I just hide in one of Remi’s barnacle condos!
We are so proud of you Jen, batting cancer like a warrior, withstanding chemo and radiation and yet you are never complaining instead every day offering advice, encouragement and laughter! I can’t think of anyone more deserving! Accept it, you are Excellent!


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We are so proud of you Jen, batting cancer like a warrior, withstanding chemo and radiation and yet you are never complaining instead every day offering advice, encouragement and laughter! I can’t think of anyone more deserving! Accept it, you are Excellent!
This ^^
No one more deserving Jennifer!


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We are so proud of you Jen, batting cancer like a warrior, withstanding chemo and radiation and yet you are never complaining instead every day offering advice, encouragement and laughter! I can’t think of anyone more deserving! Accept it, you are Excellent!
I do complain… but feel safe here to do so.

I’ve noticed all of us really getting going on our tanks! It’s been exciting to see and makes me so happy when one of you posts updates.

After going on my tour I can really appreciate you veterans and the years it takes and the end results are so worth it.

I’ve been working on photos - my daughter sent me a phone app that will help frame them. Also, drafting all the posts from trip so I’ll be ready once I get photos from TSA.

Dylan gave me an old stand he had at his house for free, got supplies to refinish wood. Decided to strip and stain it to match somewhat my Stickley desk (avatar pic) as it will sit next to it.

We will start the transfer of stuff from 75gal to nano next week. Sort of like Tim, it’s a process.

Kev, keep going on your updates - you know we love your DT and want to steal it!


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I do complain… but feel safe here to do so.

I’ve noticed all of us really getting going on our tanks! It’s been exciting to see and makes me so happy when one of you posts updates.

After going on my tour I can really appreciate you veterans and the years it takes and the end results are so worth it.

I’ve been working on photos - my daughter sent me a phone app that will help frame them. Also, drafting all the posts from trip so I’ll be ready once I get photos from TSA.

Dylan gave me an old stand he had at his house for free, got supplies to refinish wood. Decided to strip and stain it to match somewhat my Stickley desk (avatar pic) as it will sit next to it.

We will start the transfer of stuff from 75gal to nano next week. Sort of like Tim, it’s a process.

Kev, keep going on your updates - you know we love your DT and want to steal it!
You are always elbow deep! I really don’t have stuff to add to my build thread. Out of real estate so no cool pics of new additions. Not complaining it has become mature and I can just sit back and enjoy.


  • I place the offender in an acclimation box for a period of time (jail).

    Votes: 11 17.7%
  • I remove the offender entirely and reintroduce them at a later time (rehab).

    Votes: 2 3.2%
  • I use the mirror method (a little reverse psychology).

    Votes: 6 9.7%
  • I rearrange rock work (throw them off).

    Votes: 4 6.5%
  • I don't tolerate bullies. Bye bye fishy!

    Votes: 14 22.6%
  • I've never dealt with a tank bully.

    Votes: 17 27.4%
  • Other (please explain!)

    Votes: 8 12.9%