Clownfish sudden white spots...


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Hello, I have a clownfish who very rapidly (and mostly on one side) had mixture of white spots and almost a film type look appear. I had not noticed anything until tonight. She does not appear to have any issue breathing, is not itching or scratching in anyway. I would say it appears the most like brooklynella but really just so weird how sudedenly it came on... would that be common of brook? She is still eating like crazy and being the tank bully. The only change I can think of is that she has recently started laying in a leather coral I have... But surely that wouldnt cause these spotches? I have one more clown, a blue damsel and royal gramma, all spot free and also acting normal. I have not added any fish or really changed anything in the tank in months. The only medicine I have on hand is prazipro... Which I dont think is a treatment if it is brook or ich..? Would a fresh water dip be advised until I can get more meds tomorrow? I am attaching a screen recording of me slowly going through a video it seems to be the best way to see. Its mostly on her right side and under her face. Thanks for any advice.

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Hello, I have a clownfish who very rapidly (and mostly on one side) had mixture of white spots and almost a film type look appear. I had not noticed anything until tonight. She does not appear to have any issue breathing, is not itching or scratching in anyway. I would say it appears the most like brooklynella but really just so weird how sudedenly it came on... would that be common of brook? She is still eating like crazy and being the tank bully. The only change I can think of is that she has recently started laying in a leather coral I have... But surely that wouldnt cause these spotches? I have one more clown, a blue damsel and royal gramma, all spot free and also acting normal. I have not added any fish or really changed anything in the tank in months. The only medicine I have on hand is prazipro... Which I dont think is a treatment if it is brook or ich..? Would a fresh water dip be advised until I can get more meds tomorrow? I am attaching a screen recording of me slowly going through a video it seems to be the best way to see. Its mostly on her right side and under her face. Thanks for any advice.

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This fish has a disease known as ich and will need to be treated in a separate quarantine tank using either
coppersafe or Copper Power at therapeutic level 2.25-2.5 For a FULL 30 days (do not interrupt this 30 day period) monitored by a reliable Copper Test kit such as Hanna Brand- No API brand. Also monitor Ammonia levels while in quarantine with a reliable test kit and add aeration during treatment using an air stone.
The display tank will have to be kept fishless (FALLOW) for 6-8 weeks to assure the existing parasites go through their life cycle without a host fish and die off
A quarantine tank can be as simple as a tank from a second hand store or a starter kit from Walmart which most of the needed essentials.


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Thank you for your quick response. I have a 10 gallon tank I had purchased for a hospital tank but have not yet needed it. Should I just put the seemingly affected clown in there for treatment then remove the others separately or should they all be treated together to begin the fallow time frame? And with the hospital tank I have a HOB filter but it is all brand new has not been used. Should I attempt to cycle it before adding the clown for treatement or add any bio matter to the hospital tank? Thank you again for your response.


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And is a fresh water dip of any benefit before I can hopefully get the treatment going tomorrow?


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And is a fresh water dip of any benefit before I can hopefully get the treatment going tomorrow?
freshwater dip MAY offer temporary relief but its the copper that will make the difference and treat the fish and yes, should be assumed the other fish may have it due to exposure to clown

Jay Hemdal

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Hello, I have a clownfish who very rapidly (and mostly on one side) had mixture of white spots and almost a film type look appear. I had not noticed anything until tonight. She does not appear to have any issue breathing, is not itching or scratching in anyway. I would say it appears the most like brooklynella but really just so weird how sudedenly it came on... would that be common of brook? She is still eating like crazy and being the tank bully. The only change I can think of is that she has recently started laying in a leather coral I have... But surely that wouldnt cause these spotches? I have one more clown, a blue damsel and royal gramma, all spot free and also acting normal. I have not added any fish or really changed anything in the tank in months. The only medicine I have on hand is prazipro... Which I dont think is a treatment if it is brook or ich..? Would a fresh water dip be advised until I can get more meds tomorrow? I am attaching a screen recording of me slowly going through a video it seems to be the best way to see. Its mostly on her right side and under her face. Thanks for any advice.

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I don't see ich on the fish in the video. I do see some "artifacts of captivity" - the notched dorsal fin and the four or 5 missing scales on its side. The mucus behind those on its side sure look like another fish has been picking on it. I know you said that this is the dominant fish, but dynamics between fish frequently change, and some fish may be trying to "fight back". There are also some chronic disease issues that can cause this sort of thing, like Mycobacterium.



  • I place the offender in an acclimation box for a period of time (jail).

    Votes: 10 16.4%
  • I remove the offender entirely and reintroduce them at a later time (rehab).

    Votes: 2 3.3%
  • I use the mirror method (a little reverse psychology).

    Votes: 6 9.8%
  • I rearrange rock work (throw them off).

    Votes: 4 6.6%
  • I don't tolerate bullies. Bye bye fishy!

    Votes: 14 23.0%
  • I've never dealt with a tank bully.

    Votes: 17 27.9%
  • Other (please explain!)

    Votes: 8 13.1%