
  1. Joseph3

    Pufferfish Stocking Question

    Hi all, My partner keeps telling me how cute she thinks pufferfish are. And, I honestly think they're pretty cool too. So, I'm wondering if they are any pufferfish that might do well in my aquarium. I have a 40 gal reef tank with: 1 Clarki clown 1 African Flameback pygmy angel 1 Midas Blenny...
  2. A

    Anglefish aggression

    I have a cherub angelfish and I’m going to add a biota captive bred regal angelfish to the tank (125 gallon) and I’m worried one will kill the other I have a Acclamation box and I will keep it the regal in there for a week or two is there anything else to help I know a mirror might help.
  3. jshaw1980

    Dead royal gramma

    Hi all, need some help if possible royal gramma just died after only having this guy for a month. Found him dead today, was eating fine as of last night but has been hiding frequently the past few days but coming out to eat. Had another gramma previously that only lasted a few months. My...
  4. OneMerissa

    Bully lawnmower blenny?

    Hi all. I just added a lawnmower blenny yesterday. He’s about 3.5 inches already so not really a baby. He’s bullying my Royal gramma quite badly to where she is pretty much not moving. Just hiding or laying in the back of the tank. The blenny kicked her out of her normal caves while he explored...
  5. J

    EMERGENCY My carpenter flasher wrasse and tomani tang suddenly dying

    my carpenters flasher wrasse is laying down on my acclimation box and breathing heavily, tomani tang is breathing heavily but still swimming, looks like the new chocolate tang took his spot in his rock so I celared in for him but as I am writing this he is starting to lay on his side. He had...
  6. G

    Rot or Aggression?

    Hello all so I noticed about a week maybe 2 weeks back that my Royal Gramma’s tail was damaged, it hasn’t got progressively worse until maybe today it looked a bit more torn possibly, not sure but is this tail rot or another fish nipping him or? I only have a royal gramma, purple fire fish, 2...
  7. W

    EMERGENCY Scopas tang vs new foxface

    Hi y’all, long story short, I recent combined my frag tank system with my 75 gallon display into a 120g tall display tank. however my Scopas Tang doesn’t leave my new foxface alone. I wanted to add more herbivorous so I thought a foxface would be great option. Not sure if it’s normal...
  8. ChuneReef

    Second Opinion Needed: Pop-eye on Firefish? Or 6 Line Wrasse attack...

    Hello everyone, When doing my daily maintenance on my tank today I noticed damage to my firefish's eye/surrounding tissue. Please see attached video. I've had her for 4-5 months now and she has always been amazingly healthy. While I've noticed the six-line be aggressive towards her in the...
  9. borillion

    Defusing female aggression among multiple potential mates?

    Is it feasible to diffuse the aggressive behavior or an existing female clownfish by adding 2+ suitors from a school of small juvenile clowns, and then removing those that do not pair up with her?
  10. J

    What can I add to a tank with an established Clownfish and Orchid Dottyback?

    I have a Red Sea Max E-170 (34G Display) with a pretty well-established ORA Black Ocellaris Clownfish and an equally well-established ORA Orchid Dottyback. My clownfish is the boss of the tank and makes sure the Dotty knows it whenever she swims over to his side. I successfully kept a Yellow...
  11. Adam1985

    Feather Duster/Tube Worm Getting a Haircut

    Hi all, I’ve noticed from time to time my tube worm/feather duster (calcareous variety, white/red fan) seems to get a “haircut.” It’s happened several times, and the worm seems to grow them back quite quickly. I assume something is doing this; there is a peppermint shrimp that hangs out...
  12. MarineDepot

    TOP 6 TIPS For Aggressive FISH In Your Reef Tank | How to Assemble a Tranquil Saltwater Aquarium

    Are you looking for the best way to curb aggression in your Reef Tank? Marine Depot's very own Manny is here to share some tips! Check out this video and the rest of our YouTube Channel to stay up to date on the newest tips, tricks, and trends in the aquarium keeping hobby. Be sure to subscribe...
  13. E

    My purple scale fairy wrasse wont stop bothering my helfrichi firefish

    Hey guys, first post here. New to the hobby and did not start my tank in the traditional method at all. I got my stuff used and some live rock to sort of "jump start" my tank. It has been running for a little over a month now. I started off by adding CUC first, huge fan of the sand sifting...
  14. Perpetual Novice

    Got two potters wrasses. Both male... (video)

    So I ordered two potters wrasses The minute I could find some online. I know they have abysmal shipping history and are hard to acclimate and feed so I decided to get two. They seem to have shipped great and are large and active. Never buried except at night. And are eating live pods and some...
  15. Perpetual Novice

    I got two male Wrasses? What do I do?

    I thought it was pretty rare to receive a male leopard wrasse but I just got two potters wrasses delivered and they’re both male... plus there is a smaller male leopard of a different species already in the tank. What do I do about this? Will it be a problem? How big does the tank need to be to...
  16. Sean Donohue

    Will 3 male ruby dragonets get along if they are the only 3 fish in my 30g frag tank?

    I have a 30 gallon frag tank, I have a healthy supply of brine shrimp and copepods , I breed them in my garage. I've successfully kept a Mandarin dragonet alive for two years now, first in my 50 gallon tank, and now it's doing well in my upgraded 100 gallon. Keeping pods has never been a problem...
  17. Neuratox

    Violent Red Headed Wrasse

    Hey everyone, I'm losing fish left and right over the last month: a blue green chromis, followed by a male and female bartlett's anthia in the same day as one another, and now another blue green chromis is on the verge of death. All have been wounded quite badly, with chunks missing out of fins...
  18. QuarantinedCorals

    Lamarcks angelfish chasing leopard wrasse

    Hi guys hope you’re all doing well. I’m noticing my lamarcks angelfish chasing my leopard wrasse, it’s not a constant issue and it’s also not hurting my leopard wrasse. My lamarcks angel seems to chase my leopard wrasse when he gets near her, I’ve had my leopard wrasse for over a year and I know...
  19. Perpetual Novice

    Does anyone know what my wrasses are going?

    There are 2 female leopard wrasses introduced together and great companions for the last 6 months or so. Today I saw them doing this. Not sure whether to be concerned.
  20. Perpetual Novice

    Wrasse aggression help needed

    I have a tank with two resident female leopard wrasses. I recently added an ornate leopard wrasse (a different species than the ones I have) and a yellow coris wrasse to my tank at the same time. The yellow wrasse adjusted well and the established wrasses accepted it without a second thought...
  21. Perpetual Novice

    Are these fish compatible with my tank? 100 gallon

    I have a 100 gallon reef tank that has been running for about 8 months now. I am thinking of adding a couple more fish to the community before the established fish become too territorial for any new arrivals. My current stock is as follows: Desjardini tang Powder blue tang Blue hippo Tang 2...
  22. QuarantinedCorals

    Yellow Kole eye tang bullying leopard wrasse

    Hi everyone, hope you’re doing well. Today I introduced a 2 inch yellow Kole eye tang into my 75 gallon tank and I’m having some aggression. I currently have a canary blenny, a cardinal, a flasher wrasse, a leopard wrasse, and a sleeper head goby. My leopard wrasse was in the sand when I...
  23. Perpetual Novice

    Is it ever safe to add damsels as a late addition?

    I have a 100 gallon tank with several small tangs, a rabbitfish, a pair of leopard wrasses, two clowns, a canary blenny, and a pearly jawfish. there is a ton of live rock and places to hide. My tank has been stable with these fish for about 3 months now and I am thinking about introducing a...
  24. Perpetual Novice

    Reducing tang aggression with more tangs?

    I have a tank with a 5.5 inch desjardini, a 4 inch powder blue, and a 3 inch blue hippo. They were added at the same time and have been getting along with literally no aggression for about 6 months now. But in the last few days I have noticed the powder blue occasionally chasing the blue hippo...
  25. Perpetual Novice

    My Tangs are Defending my Clownfish??

    So let me preface this by saying that yes my tank is small for those two tangs. They get along great and are just in the tank for algae control until I move them to my larger system. So so recently my female clown has become more and more aggressive. To the point where the male now has to...