algae after cycling

  1. Z

    Leaving on a night light? During a intentional tank blackout.

    TL:DR can/should I leave a very low wattage "night light" on during a blackout to reduce the likelihood of my fish from accidentally swimming into an anemone? So I have, something (algae/Dinos/whatever*) that I am planning on doing a 3 day blackout for. Last time I did a blackout I lost a...
  2. Alex C

    GHA or Worse?

    Hello! I am facing some type of algae that I’m having a hard time eradicating and properly identifying. But first some tank back ground. My tank is a Red Sea reefer 425xl. It has been running for 148 days. Up until last week my nitrates and phosphates had bottomed out to 0. As such I have...
  3. D

    Stringy algae growing out of control and hurting corals! Please help.

    Hello, so I have been into the reefing hobby for about a year and a half now and about 4 months ago I purchased this 30 gallon tank and cycled it, and placed a few fish and corals in. I am at about the 3-4 month mark and all of the sudden this strongly algae began to grow very quickly and in a...
  4. C

    EMERGENCY Attack Of The Brown Algae

    Hello just messaging from the Arizona area, looking for some input. I’m fairly new to the world of saltwater aquarium care and could really use some advise. We have a 29 gallon tank about 3 months old housing two ocellaris clowns and a beautiful bunch of mushroom corals who have been doing...
  5. Wrightm1990

    Algae id please

    Hi tank has been running 2 month. Never had the brown diatoms but for the past 2 weeks ive had this green algae on the rock and sand. Could anyone identify it for me please and what cause of action is needed if any. Tia
  6. adamlodge14

    Algae issue which snails?

    Hiya guys, I’ve been having a bit of an algae issue in my 15 gallon tank that’s been up and running for 3 months now. Is this just the ‘ugly’ stage? Which snails would be best to get rid of the algae? It’s primarily on the rock and some on the sand. I already have 1 trochus snail and 1 nassarius...
  7. O

    New tank, 4 weeks later.

    Hi everyone, this is just an update on my tank 4 weeks in. I still have nasty diatoms, started getting alot of green algae. And it doesn’t look like it’s going anywhere anytime soon lol. My nitrates and nitrates are 0, and i use rodi water so i’m a little confused as to why they’re still here. I...
  8. S

    What are these white round spots spreading across my live rocks?

    My tank is newly cycled. Sat up 2 weeks ago. It looks like the white dots are out competing the green/brown algae. Those rocks were white when I got them and were turning brown initially. What are they? Bacteria? Coralline? Just curious...
  9. 3

    Dino outbreak

    So I had a green hair algae outbreak, then an ammonia spike, I dosed kordon AmQuelPlus ammonia detoxifier, it kills ammonia nitrite and nitrate, and chlorine. Things started to bounce back. I lost 2 cyphastrea, and a birdsnest, during that ammonia spike, it went to 0.50ppm. my xenia has been...
  10. Jeevan

    Something green plant like growing on liverock

    Hello Reefers! =) Can anyone know what kind of algae? Or idk what it is! It's like a small plant growing out from live rock. I'm running 22g sumpless nano tank without a skimmer. Tank details & parameters : Salinity 1.026 Amm 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 0 phosphate 0 Cal 430 Ph 8.0 Kh 8 Mg 1400
  11. ReefRusty

    What is this on my sandbed?

    So I may had put my foot in it when I said I've yet to get any form of algae. But can anyone tell me what this is and would a blackout reduce this? Only on the sandbed, brown sand almost. Guessing its the beginning of the ugly stage? Running LIGHT with all blues,UV on 100% and 5% on whites...
  12. D

    Should I set up a refugium?

    Hi guys, I have been having problems for a while now with gha and diatoms and cotton candy algae in my 800litre mixed reef. I am currently using RowaPhos and NoPox and nitrates and phosphates are reading zero. I am confused tbh whether or not I have too many/ too little nutrients. I was...
  13. Kenamen

    What’s growing in my tank??

    Should I be concerned about this growth? Is there something I should introduce to curb the algae looking growth? I’m going to be implementing a refugium in the sump in a few weeks time
  14. N

    Low Phosphates but having an algae outbreak?

    Hey guys, so my Hanna checker says phosphates are <0.05, yet I am having an algae outbreak. Oh and nitrates are around 10. Dinos on the sand bed, hair, and other algae growing on the rocks. Seems like the algae came out of nowhere and is growing fast. My tank is two months old. Is this a normal...
  15. Nagra92

    EMERGENCY New tank, brown alage , green hair algae

    I have started reef tank 3 and half months back used Live rock to start a Nitrate cycle Now my results are all ok And many people told me that my cycle is completed I have 2 fish and they are all doing great i introduced 2 corals 4 days back so far they are doing great but i have one...
  16. jackalexander

    Dino Algae

    I think I discovered some dino algae growing in my tank. My tank is about a week old now & I read that this is fairly common in new tanks. Any ideas on how I can get rid of the dino’s before it’s too late?
  17. teddymoos

    Help me identify and fix

    My tank is fairly new.... about 2 weeks old most thinks were previously in a 29. I was able to instantly cycle my tank with media. My lights arent ramped up that high however I have been feeding a lot. I’m wondering what this brown algae is and how I can fix it. Should I be worried?
  18. Miszka

    Green cyano or other algae?

    Hi In my fresh reefer 170 I noticed green blistering algae in some places on the rock and sand. Is it green cyano or something else. Thank you for your help :)
  19. Taykilps

    Terrible diatom outbreak

    I just got this tank from a friend about a month and a half ago and the diatoms just went crazy about 3 weeks after setting it back up. The tank has been established for well over a year. I got 2 oscelarous clowns a cleaner shrimp and a small goby, 5 astreas snail 5 nasarious and a few other...
  20. F

    How long does the Ugly Stage Last?

    Hello all, just want to know a couple of things. How long does the ugly stage last? I know there's now miracle product to skip the whole ugly stage but is there something to help speed it up or make it less ugly or troublesome? Should I clean all the algae that my tank is producing during...
  21. reefk

    Algae trouble

    Had a tank crash a month ago as my doser failed and caused Alk swing. Tank is recovering slowly but there is a lot of algae. My cheto is not growing as these algae are growing all over my glass. Will Hydrogen peroxide dosing help? How much should I does? WIll it affect my shrimp? My nitrates...
  22. F

    Is this Algae?

    Hello there, long story short, finished cycling, added 2 fishes 8 days ago. Today I started noticing this transparent film starting to grow over my sand. Can anyone try to identify what this is?
  23. Tangina20

    Algae ID please

    Does anyone have an idea of what this algae is? This tank is about 3 months old so I’m not too worried about it from cycling but I’ve had almost every algae possible and have never seen this one. I’m thinking green cyano?
  24. KeystoneMalone

    Green Algae on rocks/sand

    Hello all! First time salt/reef tank keeper- I have a 20G Nuvo that has been cycled for about two months now (up for a little over 3 months in total), started with live sand and dry reefsaver rock. I do a 5gal water change every week (with RODI, 0.00 TDS), and also vacuum the sand bed while...
  25. E

    Algae starting to bloom in relatively new tank

    Hey all, I have a relatively new 180g tank (4 months), which finished the initial cycle 4-5 weeks ago. I’ve put a handful of fish in there and have put in a decent sized CuC in there. I noticed this past week that some type of algae has started growing on the sand. Now it’s starting to grow on...