
  1. DeNovice

    Can someone check this scope video out for ID?

    I have some brownish stringy algae on the sand bed. Here’s some scope pictures with a link to the video. One person said diatoms already but I’d like to get that confirmed. Thanks!
  2. A

    Dino ID

    Hello, I’ve had brown algae for months in my tank and I believe they could be dinos from all pictures and descriptions ive seen, however I’m still not sure. Can anyone help me ID these??
  3. DeNovice

    Will chaeto drop nitrate and phosphate to zero?

    I have been consistently getting 0 on Nitrate and Phosphate. I have chaeto in a back chamber that’s literally doubling in size in about a weeks time. I give it 18 hours of light which I’d read was recommended. I also have green hair algae forming on the sand. As of yesterday, my ammonia level...
  4. C

    Help identifying algae please!

    Ok I’m not sure what kinda algae this is. I was thinking dinoflagellates but I’m kinda puzzled though as I don’t have a ton of bubbles like traditional dinos and I have nutrients. I did a 10% water change last night I’m pretty religious on weekly water changes but this one was closer to 10 days...
  5. W

    Unknown Algea on Xenia

    I've had my tank for 5 weeks now, and I've noticed something growing on my xenia. Can any tell what it is?
  6. Zoa_Fanatic

    How many margarita snails?

    I have a biocube 32 LED with a current cuc of 7 astrea, 4 cerith, and 5-8 nassarius (I have no idea how many I have they breed all the time), and 3 hermits (1 dwarf red leg, 2 dwarf blue legs). I have a lot of red slime and dust algea still and he hair algea is slowly being eaten by the astreas...
  7. Zoa_Fanatic

    Is this blue and green coralline algea?

    I have regular purple coralline growing on my rocks. I also have this very light blue colored algea that looks similar and a hard green algea on some of my other rocks. Are these coralline? Also some white colored areas on my back wall. Is that the start of coralline?
  8. Stellywags

    Live Rock Green Algea

    Hi all new to the forums. I've searched a bit, but have not found quite what I was looking for. Or if I have it's been worse then the stage I'm at. But as my title states, I have a BioCube 32 that's been up for just about 3 months. It's been a month since diatoms have disappeared and all seemed...