anenome help

  1. A

    What are these?

    I’m trying to identify this “thing”. I noticed it about a week ago and idk if it is a baby anemone or what. It could have been on this rock all along since we have bought it and we are just now are noticing. We currently have 2 anemones in our tank
  2. myMOMfishtank

    Clownfish Moved his Anenome

    **I dont know alot about salt water tanks or fish. I just help my mother who just started a saltwater tank get answers for stuff her fish do that worry her** So my moms tank has been doing well for a while. The only recent change is that she changed the main direction of the pump that creates...
  3. myMOMfishtank

    Sick/Dying Anenome??

    My moms new to saltwater tanks and buys long tent anenomes which start strong and fine but then go off color, get small, and die! This one paired with a clown so she really wants it to make it and Im trying my best to help her find answers before it goes. Info: The water tests in all the...
  4. Ryan Rioux

    Anenome help and questions !

    Hellllo ! I’m wondering what would cause an anenome to not open fully . I have a rbta and the past few days it’s been weird . Not opening as much , closing earlier before the lights are out . The picture I’m going to attatch is him when he first got into tank and chose his spot . (Spot with...