
  1. William Spak

    Aptasia and something else?

    Hello All! Attached is a photo I would like some critter ID, on, I think they may be messing with some of my corals. I've circled the organisms in question What I think to be aptasia is in red, and the mystery organism is in green. The green ones are little stony rods that are forming all...
  2. MACHO

    Build Thread Reset 200 Gallon help

    Hello everyone welcome to the reset of my 200 gallon Build. As some of yall may have seen i've been battling aptasia for almost a year and i've discovered that in my refugium there is a aptasia. It was only in the display that was covered. Now it's in the refugium which was the last straw. I...
  3. Perpetual Novice

    Strange apraxia variant/ID?

    I’m servicing a clients tank and they have these small aphasia looking things everywhere with an unusual (pretty?) coloration. They seem resistant to aptasia x. Historical pearlscale butterflies will eat them I’m told. Anyone know what these are?
  4. M

    Is this aptasia or a baby toadstool?

    Hey Guys, Just noticed this small tentacle like hanging out from the base of the toadstool coral (directly from the skin, not the rock of the coral). Is this aptasia or a baby toadstool?
  5. J

    Live rock and aptasia

    I have a new 180-gallon DT and an existing 75 gallon. I wanted to move some of my live rock & corals to the new DT but they are covered in Aptasia. (Aptasia X was a big fail...) I will be saving my coral by carefully removing it from my live rock and transferring it to my DT. My first...
  6. J

    Aptasia problem… nudis with a six line?-peppermint-filefish

    Hey guys! Long time no see so I have a pretty big aptasia problem I currently have a six line wrasse, I have been doing aptasia x, but they seem to spread to other places after. I’m guessing when they stress during, they’re releasing their babies. I really want to get 5 or 6 (medium size is...
  7. J

    Aptasia or somthing else?

    When cleaning my tank my trachi closed up slightly and I noticed this weird thing underneath with an aptasia looking thing but clear and there was a funnel sort of thing under it. Really unsure as to what it is. I've had the trachi for about 4 months now but have only noticed this today
  8. H

    It just gets better and better...

    A few months ago my lfs convinced me to buy some live rock to speed up my cycle. It was a huge mistake. First, I got GHA. Next, I saw an aiptasia coming out of the rock. They sold me some F-Aptasia to get rid of it. It worked. The next day I saw multiple aphasia coming out of the rock along...
  9. A

    Possible hike hitcher on GSP

    Dear reefers, I got this green star polyp 1 month ago and now notice there's a possible aptasia? Anyone can verify? thanks! Attached video below taken during light off with ambient room light, polyps all closed up.
  10. Idaknow15

    Aptasia ???

    I was given someone’s setup to take care of consisting of a couple live rocks, 2 clowns and a frogspawn coral, I noticed a good handful of small aptasia on one of the rocks so have removed it and boiled it and it’s currently sat out in the sun so hoping it’s done the trick! I do appreciate it...
  11. S

    Long post - The dreaded move...

    Current set up: I have a 55 gallon fish only tank with a yellow-hooded eye tang, a pair of mated clowns, a red hawkfish, and lots of coraline algae and a green grassy macro algae (feels like astro turf). The lights on that one are blue spectrum and a bright white. I run a canister filter on...
  12. R

    Chalice stung by aptasia

    While I wait for my berghia to do the job, I still deal with aptasia. One of them stung this chalice from the edge and there are now white blotches developing. There is no way I can get this rock out of the tank. Foundational stone. any Thoughts ? you can see the blotches along the bottom edge.
  13. E

    Glueing lps skeleton

    So I was just wondering if I could glue part of the side of a frogspawn skeleton that has aptasia or something growing on it? It’s near the bottom of the skeleton but kind of on the side as well.
  14. E

    Red people eater palys shedding?

    I was wondering if there was any reason why my red people eater palys look like they are shedding? I had to frag them due to aptasia being on the coral plug that’s why they look so small because they shrunk from it but now it looks like skin is hanging off and now I’m worried because I dragged...
  15. BTimms

    Aptasia or baby asterina starfish?

    I seem to have quite a few of these small creatures on my glass. That said it is hard to tell if these are baby asterina stars or aptasia. Any thoughts on an ID? Should I scrape them off the glass?
  16. beamer281

    Aptasia?.. new hermit crab

  17. catalystNfacade

    Aptasia or worse?

    Are these aptasia or something worse? What should I do?
  18. SiD

    Biological means to eradicate Aptasia

    Heard Bristletail Filefish will clean up Aptasia.Is it reef safe as I have Zoa colonies? Peppermint shrimp is not an option since I have a 6 line Wrasse. Copperband Butterfly will nip at Zoa so no again. The Nudibranch that eats Aptasias is not available where I live. Any other biological means...
  19. SiD

    Hydroids or Aptasia?

    I have these growing under a live rock which cannot be taken out of the tank without disrupting the entire aquascaping. Similar structure seen on a Zoa colony one night which was scrapped out of the zoa with a scapel outside the tank. Tank is 5 month old with parameter within normal range...
  20. erzwire

    What is this hitchhiker ID

    Hey guys, just noticed this thing, and wondering what it is... Was thinking aptasia but not too familiar with it as I've been lucky enough to never have an outbreak. There's also a few pepermint so thought they would have found it if it were. Let me know what you think. Thanks!
  21. vlad2spinn

    Virginia Berghia Nudibranchs

    Aptasia eating Berghia Nudibranchs. 5- $40 (local pickup Hampton, VA). Will consider shipping for order of 20 or more.
  22. MnFish1

    Aiptasia treatment success or failure.... A poll

    SO - somehow - no clue how - I ended up with some aiptasia anemones. I just tried to kill them with 'removal' - and a month later - I had 50. They weren't spreading - and I personally don't mind them - they didnt seem to hurt anything - when it increased to more than that - I thought - hmmm...
  23. BighohoReef

    (NEED ADVICE/THOUGHTS) So I did something stupid.. Did I accidentally contaminate my tank with...

    So I got a beautiful new Derasa clam today... covered in a few pests. Aptaisa, vermited... and some friendly isopods and such. Couple of things about our cleaning regiment: We QT everything regardless of what it is... We clean all livestock as advised... scrub, razor blade, glue whatever...
  24. ReefDude716

    EMERGENCY Aptasia

    have Nuvo 30 aio that now has an external overflow to sump. Peppermint shrimp got most of it in display section. However I have a media basket where that is used as a Refugium in back section of display tank before it goes through other chambers to the external overflow. Aptasia is in the Chaeto...
  25. Emjv

    Another, is this aptasia, feather duster or ...?

    Hey y'all, just grabbed this guy a few days ago, and today when lights were on full blast I saw this little guy at the bottom of the frag plug. Is this aptasia? Or something harmless? It does not go back into it's tube when touched. Thanks tons :D