
  1. RobberyinCSharp1824

    Lost my DaVinci clown...Why?

    My DaVinci Clownish just died unexpectedly after having him for about 4 months now in an established 120g tank. He was the sole resident of that tank (aside from turbo snails) while my sailfin tang and anthias are in QT (didn't want to create a bioburden surge in my DT). I had posted a few weeks...
  2. Alex C

    Velvet or Brooklynella?

    I have a pair of clowns which were purchased from the LFS about a month ago. All has been well until last night they developed many fuzzy white spots. The other fish in the tank, a couple of Chromis and some fire fish show no signs. Could this be brook?
  3. N

    Brooklynella? Treatment? Help please

    I have a 40 gallon reef tank. I have at least 4 different types of coral, 2 red firefish, a watchmen goby, maroon clown, blue legged hermit crab and a Mexican Turbo snail. Everyone eats and acts normal. But I recently noticed a tiny white mucus spot near the tail of the maroon clown. At first I...
  4. R

    Brooklynella, Velvet, Flukes, Ich, or other?

    I'm in week 7+ of QT (quarantine). I have completed the TTM (tank transfer method) and they're awaiting their return to the DT (display tank) after the seventy something days to prevent reinfection of Ich. Can you please help me identify what this is (and hopfully propose a treatment method)? I...
  5. R

    Brooklynella, Velvet, Flukes, or Ich

    Whoops! Wrong thread, sorry. I've moved it under Fish Disease Treatment and Diagnosis:
  6. B

    Urgent: Brook or Velvet?

    Started seeing small white dots on a few of my fish mainly Harliquin Tusk and Emporer Angel and Porcupine Puffer. puffers eyes clouded over and he had stringy slime hanging off him with the dots. Figuring it was velvet because the spots were so many I started a 29g quarantine and started...
  7. saltybadger

    Ich? Brook? What just happened?

    Hello Brains trust, looking for some guidance on what to do next... Tank: - Red Sea Reefer 350, no corals. Fish only at the moment. - 2 Designer clownfish - 4 reef chromis - 1 Purple tang So, the clownfish and chromis were the first fish in to the tank (didn't quarantine these guys). After 4...
  8. ChelseaBidwell

    Help! Brooklynella?

    I have 2 Royal Gramma Basslets, and a Zebra Barred Dartfish in QT# 2. They have all underwent a 14-day 2.0 ppm copper treatment in QT# 1 and were transferred over to this sterile tank on 9/22. Since then, they have been treated with GC in the water column (we follow @HotRocks 's QT procedure to...
  9. ChelseaBidwell

    Help! Brooklynella?

    I have 2 Royal Gramma Basslets, and a Zebra Barred Dartfish in QT# 2. They have all underwent a 14-day 2.0 ppm copper treatment in QT# 1 and were transferred over to this sterile tank on 9/22. Since then, they have been treated with GC in the water column (we follow @HotRocks 's QT procedure to...
  10. 00Barracuda00

    Brooklynella Treatment

    Snagged everything from my LFS that came recommended from these forums, but each med was only an alternative to the main treatments. I know with brook it’s important to treat immediately so I’m just going with what I’ve got. I’ve got a 5 gal bucket. Just started the air stone. My intent...
  11. Hugo Garcia

    Does my Clown Fish have Brooklynella?

    Hey guys, wanna ask your opinion. One of my clownfish has been having some issues, he wasn’t eating and started to loose the black color on its fins, and I think he might have a white slime coat. I think it might have Brooklynella. I treat the main display with PraziPro a few days ago and he...
  12. NewGoby

    clownfish have Brooklynella - advice on what i did?

    Hello, I'm currently working 50-60hr weeks, with 10-20hrs OT, so my Ocellaris may have had it for a longer period of time. Last night I noticed they were sliming (I have 2) especially at the fins - after googling a bit i diagnosed it as Brooklynella. I started filling a bucket with fresh water...
  13. Tmcgoo13

    Treating Brook and ICH with Metro/Copper or Metro/Rid ICH or?

    I have 5 fish showing signs of illness. Powderbrown, Fox Face and PJ Cardinal - all looked like ICH, so I put them in a QT and started copper. FoxFace looks like he may also have Brook. 2 days later my female clown appears to have Brook. Obviously already exposed to ICH as well. I have...
  14. Isaac Alves

    White "slime-coat" marks on Clown. Treated with Furan-2. Need help with ID.

    I need some help identifying if something is off with my little clown. He's in my second system and the display refugium now. I put him through a full duration of Furan-2 to address if the white skin mark was a slime coat issue or an infection from a wound. I just put him back after being in...
  15. Jaag

    Lucky To Have One Tank As It Is

    As the title says I am lucky enough to have one tank as it is (I have a 60 gal cube with a 18 gal sump). I will be getting some new fish in my tank here soon. I would really love to have a QT tank but a QT tank to my wife is just another tank. So with the circumstances I am in QT is not an...
  16. Reefahholic

    Lymphocystis- the common viral disease with no cure.

  17. Reefahholic

    40mg CP treatment & TTM day 10

    The Blue Regal stopped eating and some of the other fish slowed down too. The Regal's activity level also decreased. After the 3rd transfer, I didn't redose anymore CP. I noticed after about 10 hours he started to become more active. Regal's are very weird fishes anyway, so you really need to...
  18. Reefahholic

    My new QT treatment logic.

    So now I'm changing my game plan on most new arrivals. I've been dosing CP (40mg) during TTM coupled with Prazipro. I feel it's about the safest route to go considering that nearly all fish I've seen lately have a Parasite, Flukes, Bacterial infection, Viral infection, etc, etc. We know that...
  19. Reefahholic

    Brooklynella, Uronema, & Velvet. Same bank...all in same system.

    Party in Houston, Texas! Yee Haw!