
  1. TangAddict

    Bristle worms and other bugs in nano tank

    I have a 16 gallon bio cube with no fish or coral right now. It’s been running for about 8 months. I’ve noticed tons of what look to be bristle worms and lots of other little bugs running around the sand bed. Want to be sure what they are so I can remove them. Couldn’t get great pictures though.
  2. Jtfortune3

    White spots on snails??

    I bought a few Snails today and noticed one of them has white spots on it... I’ll attach a image below, any clue what this is?
  3. nightmarepl

    Tiny white dots moving fast on glass

    Hey guys i took a picture it’s really hard to see these tiny white dots they move pretty fast almost like a jump millions of them on my glass some kinda look like have a orange spot on their body haven’t seen them before haven’t added anything in months to the tank
  4. BoSalman

    BUGS! What in the world!

    Hello, So i had this small goniopora recently which was accidentally laying on its side on the sandbed for a day or so, i fixed its position uprights and i'm keeping it so if its healthy enough it would bounce back on that small area... Normal inspection tonight on my tank to look for...
  5. nightmarepl

    Bugs? Worms / weird alien? Need help ASAP!!!

    hey so i decided to lift up some rocks and look around my tank today noticed some weird stuff going on first i all my rocks even my filter has been getting these weird red spikes all over i ripped one off was hallow on the inside like a tube? Second My monti cap had a weird hard rock like tube...
  6. B

    Microscopic white bugs...

    Last night, the fish were swimming a little funny. I thought something might be off, but there was nothing out of normal. This morning, I woke up and noticed that all over the glass there were these hopping microscopic white bugs. Could they be affecting the fish? Its impossible to take a...
  7. P

    Do I have black bugs????? HELP!!!!

    Today while looking at my tank i notice super small black specs moving all over my clams shell (only after lights out). They are so small I cannot get a good photo with my phone. Now after doing some research I feel like it is black bugs however, they are nowhere to be found on any of my sps...
  8. K

    Unknown Critters... Hopefully Harmless...

    I recently noticed that a frag of green mdntipora had a small area where the flesh was gone and the skeleton was exposed. It had soon before i noticed this fallen from it's spot, so I thought that it had possibly been damaged and the flesh had simply fallen off. I kept an eye on it, and a week...
  9. BRB

    To dip or not to dip or what to do?

    Happy Thursday Soo I got some zoas that were getting eaten by this little Dude but I got him out. I am noticing more than just him. Please help me identify what I need to do. Thanks in advance