
  1. T

    Raw Spirulina powder instead of live phytoplankton - is somebody using it?

    Hey guys, Is anybody using raw spirulina powder to feed your copepods (or other types of zooplankton), corals or other creatures like fish? I use an addition of spirulina in fish food and I would like to use it more, as it's healthy and cheap, but I wonder how successful would I be with a...
  2. stephanjupillat

    Pennsylvania Dosing Drygoods SOLD Poseidon Copepod & Phyto CL system and Neptune DOS doser for sale

    Poseidon CL system and Neptune DOS doser. Selling a mostly complete poseidon reef system. I used one podnest which was thrown away but I bought an extra one so you have everything needed, except phyto and copepods. Think I used 3 bags but as you can see there are a lot left. Used for a couple...
  3. AlgaeBarn

    Labor Day BOGO!

    Buy One Get One Free Offer ! for EVERY 1 Combo you add to the Cart, you will get 2 ! No Limit!
  4. Max Rackstraw

    Tiny algae on the glass

    The other day i noticed these tiny green/brown strands of what i assume to be algae on the glass of my new tank under only the lit up side (one side does not have a light over it yet). The tank has been running for almost exactly one month in total and only 6 days with a light on one side...
  5. chemicals

    Tiny worm ID

    Hi, I’m trying to identify a tiny worm. I added some live copepods and 1hour later my tank is covered in thousands of these tiny white worms. I’ve tried to get some good microscope pictures so maybe you could help me! Thanks!
  6. AlgaeBarn

    New Website - Who Dis?!?

    Head over to . and check out our website! We would love to hear your feed back (survey in bottom right corner of new website) :star-struck:
  7. old_lady_4am

    Are these copepods???

    Hello! Yesterday, my new, cycled tank had these blowing all around, still do, and now they are crawling on the skimmer. Are they copepods? Thank you for your help!
  8. Dinkins Aquatic Gardens

    Live Phyto & Pods from Dinkins Aquatic Gardens

    Dinkins Aquatic Gardens is a small business run by my wife and myself (mostly my wife!) that focuses on live foods for your reef. We currently offer phytoplankton, three species of copepods, and rotifers. We focus on providing a quality product with concierge-level customer service and a 100%...
  9. F

    How long to breed copepods in 125G display tank for a mandarin?

    So I put over 65,000 copepods of varying species in my 125G tank in March, and they're literally everywhere. All over the glass, the filter, the refugium, the skimmer, and I have to assume the rocks and the sediment. I can see them moving. So do you guys think this had been enough of a breeding...
  10. AlgaeBarn


    . .
  11. yanni

    Copepod refugium help

    Hey all, I’ve recently bought a Scooter Blenny for my Waterbox 20. He readily takes frozen food, been feeding him frozen copepods which he readily eats, and he picks at what live copepods he can find in my tank. Id like to construct a refugium for breeding pods, but just a rubble refugium. I...
  12. S

    Can someone identify these weird white blobs ?

    I have all of a sudden noticed a large amount of white critters on my rock where there’s algae and on my glass when the lights have gone out. I’ve dossed copepods before however they never looked like this ... Any ideas many thanks. please see images below tried to get best images in...
  13. fryman

    Synechococcus as feed for copepods?

    I've been growing copepods (tisbe and tigriopus) using live phytoplankton as feed (tetraselmis, nannochloropsis, and isochrysis). I've noticed that the phyto I use has a big impact on copepod yield. I'm hoping someone, maybe @Reef Nutrition, @AlgaeBarn, or really just anyone with more...
  14. D

    Cons of a pico copepod farm with corals?

    I'm planning on starting a pico tank with some easy corals like zoas/mushrooms and maybe a RFA later (once I've mastered maintaining stability in this tank though), but I'd also like to start a copepod culture so I can maybe look into getting a dragonet for my other reef tank. Theres a ton of...
  15. whalewhalewhale

    Wild Copepods

    For those living on the California coast, have you ever caught any wild Tigriopus Californicus to feed to your tank? I was exploring the tide pools between Malibu and Ventura and saw pools with hundreds of thousands of orange pods. It’s pretty tempting right now to try going back to see if I can...
  16. yanni

    Weird floating white spots

    Hey all! I’ve noticed these small white dots floating in the top middle chamber of my Waterbox 20 sump. They seem to swim when I turn all flow off, and there is a ton of them, and also seemingly react when I shine light on them at night. They’re tiny, smaller than the tip of a pen, can see...
  17. ReefStash

    What do YOU add first to your cycled reef tank?

    There are many ways to get a reef tank going these days. Curious to hear about your process once cycled. Let’s chat… Personally, with my current build, once the tank was cycled I added some cleanup crew (love Cerith snails) for the diatoms, Chaeto macroalgae (preparing for my first fish...
  18. ajtomase

    When to add copepods and phyto to cycled tank

    Hello everyone, I'm getting my new tank in 2 weeks and will do a fish-less cycle. Once my tank is fully cycled, do I add phyto plankton and copepods then, or do I wait until the ugly stage to add them?
  19. Dad2Wyatt

    What is floating in my water column?

    every night around this time(a couple hours after my whites shut off) my clownfish starts going crazy. Swimming fast back and forth in the tank and looking like he is eating. I sometimes have micro bubbles when I need to top off my tank so I just assumed this was always the case. Well tonight...
  20. Muffin87

    Live VS Dead Phytoplankton for feeding just-added copepod population

    I'm cycling with dry rock, and when that's over, I'll seed my tank with copepods in a bottle. Should I invest in live phytoplankton to feed the copepods and make them reproduce faster, or is dead phytoplankton like EasyReefs EasyBooster gonna do just fine? If I buy cheaper, dead, phytoplankton...
  21. AlgaeBarn

    Subscribe to Our Pods and Get One FREE Jar Each *Month For Life!

    Subscribe to Our Pods and Get One FREE Jar Each *Month For Life! . This Deal Includes ALL Single Pod Jars AND Combos With Pods and Phytoplankton! . *one free jar of pods for the life of your subscription*
  22. AlgaeBarn

    Happy COFFEE day!!

    HAPPY COFFEE DAY! In celebration of our favorite drink here at the barn, we got exclusive AlgaeBarn coffee mugs made! Get one today ONLY! . . . . USE CODE: CoffeeDay on any order of $100 or more!
  23. New2Reefn

    Critter ID Please

    I woke up this morning and found 14 of these strange little guys creeping up my glass in my saltwater tank. Can anyone help ID these? I have searched high and low and can not find anything similar.
  24. WheatToast

    Live Mysis Shrimp Everywhere!

    I have several different varieties of hitchhiker micro-crustaceans inhabiting my macroalgae aquarium (Copepods, Amphipods, Munnid Isopods, Mysis). However, I am surprised just how prevalent the Mysis shrimp are. If I simply stare at a tiny section of my rockwork or Sea lettuce for 5 seconds, I...
  25. Ernst Haeckel

    Copepod breeding help

    I have a spotted mandarin who has been happily eating frozen food for a while now, but I've always wanted her to have live food as well. I have a 32 gallon tank, which cannot sustain a pod population, so I starting trying to raise tigger pods. It has been tough, I did everything I was supposed...