coral care

  1. KaliReeFiend

    Feeding and Dosing

    Getting ready to purchase my first corals and right now I’m interested in LPS and Soft. I was curious do you need to dose and keep Calcium, Mag, Phos, and Alk up like you would an LPS tank? And as far as feeding I’m assuming something like Reef Roids would be my go to for these guys correct? Im...
  2. Edward A Nasco

    Green Slimer Acropora SPS Coral

    If you're thinking of starting out with Acro's my suggestion is a Green Slimer Acropora SPS coral like this one. The Green Slimer Acropora is not as delicate to keep as other Acro's and will tolerate certain differences in water parameter differences. Thanks for checking out my recent and...
  3. B

    Is my Hammer OK??

    Hi all , can you take a look and see if you think the base of my hammer is ok. I noticed tonight that possibly the soft tissue at the base of this coral looks as if it might be tearing . The coral has been in this spot for months without an issue . I also haven’t made any changes to the water...
  4. Snake132

    What are these corals and how do I place them feed them and how often what flow and placement ?

    Hi I really need some input guys What are they what ? How do I feed them and how often ? What are the placement ? What strengthof lighting I have Aquaillumination lights Please help with exact names anyone help
  5. KMench

    Bubble Coral Problems...

    My bubble coral got covered about 2/3 of the way with sand courtesy of my pistol shrimp. I was at work for ~24 hours before I came home to find the problem. I uncovered the coral, and it's looked like the picture below for a week or two now. I attempted to feed it in the picture below, but...
  6. J

    HELP! Fragging accident caused my torch coral head to crack

    I was fragging my torch but when i cut it the head split into 3 pieces! I immediately glued the pieces back together and this is how it looks like now. I wasnt exactly fragging it i guess. I was trying to remove the hugeeee cement base it was aquacultured on and while doing so it snapped. Heres...
  7. Jeremy K.A.

    NPS Coral diet

    Hey guys and girls of reef2reef, todays question involves the always daunting, but absolutely stunning.... Non-Photosynthetic Coral! Weather it's an LPS such as Tubastrea "Sun coral" and Dendrophyllia, Softies such as Dendronepthya, or Gorgonians, they all have to eat, and all have their own...
  8. Barrett Barnes

    Hammer won’t open :(

    Hey R2R I’m new to this reef hobby started up my first tank this fall and I did the cycle and things went great everything is going awesome! Except one of my hammer coral frags I got about 5 days ago won’t open and it seems droopy and sad. It’s strange because all the other frags look great and...
  9. KMench

    Micro Goni Care

    Hi everyone! I won this WWC Crimson Micro Goni coral online. It arrived last week and still doesn't have great polyp extension. Here's the picture of their WYSIWYG before I got it. I attached a picture of what it looks like currently. It gets moderate indirect light as well as moderate flow...
  10. dcom

    Goniopora care article

    Hi guys, I just wanted to share a an article i found really useful for those interested on keeping Goniopora (flower pot). Enjoy!
  11. landlocked303

    Green Spaghetti Finger Leather Help!!!

    I have had this spaghetti leather for about two months now and it has been doing great until the last week. It has retracted all of its polyps and shrunk to 1/3 its normal size. I have checked the water parameters and everything is on par. All the other corals in the tank have had no changes...
  12. CHI-Mark

    High light / High positioning / low light low positioning

    All I want to double check what I'm thinking. When looking at coral care if it states the piece needs high light can I assuming it needs to be up high in the aquarium and low light means towards the bottom? Mark
  13. landlocked303

    When do you feed coral?

    I have recently started using Red Sea's Reef energy and Reef-Roids. What time of the day does everyone feed and how often? Target feeding?
  14. M

    LPS deflation--severe

    Hey guys looking for some help with some LPS coral I inherited with a new tank... 36 gallon system with a canister filter (seachem phosguard, fresh carbon, seachem nitroguard just added). Candy cane coral is the most affected but spaghetti finger leather and mushrooms looked a little off as...
  15. D

    Moving into corals

    hello - I am looking for recommendations on a comprehensive book that gives the details on setting up and maintaining corals. I have been raising saltwater fish over ten years. Thanks
  16. R

    Should I always leave my lights on with corals?

    So I am new to corals and only have one at the moment, a zoanthid. I am only using the stock LED lights that came with my aquarium kit so I was not going to introduce any corals until upgrading my lighting system at all, but it seems I gave in to try out one that was known for not needing much...
  17. R

    What should I do with aquarium now? Any tips for someone new who wants corals?

    So my tank is about a month old and my clownfish seem to be doing great (they have great color and are very active) also my cleaner shrimp has molted once and he seems to be doing great (moves around the tank a decent amount but loves the middle rock the most). The only thing I think I should do...
  18. cwb_reeftank

    calcium level

    ok I tested my calcium on Monday and it was at 390. I tested it today and it was at 410 and I have not put anything in my tank to raise it. I was wondering what would cause it to do that?
  19. pokegirl1332

    help identify and save my corals please?!?!

    I got a bunch of corals from the wwc live sales most of the ones I ordered are doing great but a few, not so much. I'm still fairly new to corals and I have these in a 120 gallon tank I upgraded to this july. the corals I'm posting came in a frag pack so I'm not entirely sure what they are...