
  1. will0wtr33

    Nano cuc help

    So my 10g nano is finally cycled. I'd like to start adding a few inverts to get my clean up crew going, but I'm not quite sure what would be best. I want a scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp, and I'm debating on blue legged hermits or scarlet hermets. I would also like a snail or two, but I'm not...
  2. kennedpa

    Another reason to irradicate bristle worms

    Unsure if these are French in origin endulging on some escargot , but I as one who loves their CUC does not appreciate it. His friends are just standing idly by as though they're waiting their turn. :(
  3. Jeff Shaw

    pH Reading of 7.8 - Not a Reef Tank, Clean Up Crew

    I have a 60 gallon saltwater tank with 1 percula clownfish, 1 powder brown tang and 1 blue reef chromis. I have some live rock (and formerly live rock) in the tank but no corals, etc. and live sand on the bottom. I have 2 questions: I have a pH reading of 7.8 using an API test kit....should I...