dying coral

  1. madisonmajhen

    Blasto closed and won’t open again

    Hello, I purchased a Purple Blasto from the LFS which opened after a few days. All was well and good in the universe. Then I decided to target feed the corals Reef Roids one day, and my Fire Shrimp attacked the coral and ripped the food out of his mouth. I thought ok, he’ll heal in a few days...
  2. J

    Torch coral seems to be recessing

    Hey everyone, My torch is not looking good. Ammonia 0, calc 500, mag 1450, salinity 35. I'm not sure what I can do at this point to prevent whatever is happening here.
  3. J

    Help! One of my hammer coral is gaping!

    Is my hammer pooping or what? Its been fine since i got it 2 weeks ago and was fine this morning then i came home to this. Looks like white slime coming out of the centre. The mouth is also open big. Hard to see in the pic but theres a 1 inch string of slime. It also shrivelled up so much. Its...
  4. J

    Wall hammer frag. Need some tips

    I went to a not so local lfs today, saw some really bright green almost golden hammer in a frag tank. I only had 5 mins to spend in the shop as i had to go somewhere. So i kinda impulse bought the hammer frag. The price list stated ‘per head’ so it sounds like a branching hammer coral to me. So...
  5. BrokenMarrow

    Need help! Possibly dying coral!

    So I went on vacation for 4 days and I left the AC on at my apartment. I went to my car ready to go, and my fiance went back inside to grab something. Not thinking, she turned it off and we had a heat wave. When I got home, I checked on the aquarium and it was sitting at 90 degrees... the fish...
  6. Lord Gold

    Losing euphyllia... HELP!

    Hello all! Hopefully this is I'm the right place... If it is not, please forgive me. I've been seeing a decline in only my euphyllia recently, and I'm at my wit's end as to what could be happening. I've tried everything, and checked all parameters (listed below). Everything else seems to be...
  7. L

    Plate coral almost dead in a week

    Hi, I have an issue I am stuck on, about 2 weeks ago my 450 litre reef tank of about 3 years started to look like corals not at there best, 1 of my hammers was not opening fully like it had, then I noticed my plate was starting to look like it was peeling and an unknown was not looking healthy...
  8. TommyGo

    I don't know what is wrong

    I started my tank in March of 2019. Things have been going well until recently. I've noticed some, not all, of my SPS and LPS corals' tissue start to recede. I thought this could be due to dosing vibrant so I stopped dosing it 4 weeks ago. My issues continued so I bought an ICP test to try to...