
  1. Andrew_3896

    Is my bubble tip Anemone dying?

    I have had this Anemone for just over 2 month. I bought just one and it split in the first couple days. Then it was great for about a month and a half and now they both look like this most of the time. Here are my parameters. Ammonia-0 Nitrate-0 Nitrite-0 Ph-8.2 Phosphate-o Salinity-1.0257...
  2. Diveks

    Fish dying from copper

    I started dosing cupramine two days ago, and im slowly raising it. The other fishes in the other qt tanks are doing ok. In one of the tanks though, there is a bannerfish. My bannerfish is laying on the bottom of the tank. The bannerfish is suffering from a bad case of ich. Im not sure what to...
  3. nightmarepl

    Help! First day of QT tang

    hey guys need some help i set up my QT tank with 50% tank 50% new salt mix, did a tiny dose of copper about 1ml of copper power it’s s 10g tank ammonia and everything is really no to nothing PH is alittle low tho treating for ich, the fish is in the tank for a few hours and started to look...
  4. ethanbear111

    Inverts Won’t Survive

    I have a Reefer 350 that has been running for about five to six months, with three fish, a mini angel, a royal gramma and a damsel fish. I have tried all sorts of invertebrates and they just won’t survive. Snails, coral, an anemone and cleaner shrimp. My only living invert is a tiny blue hermit...
  5. nightmarepl

    Snail death any idea why and from what

    so guys s few weeks ago i got myself a red foot snail around an inch to two in size had him for a while loved how he looked so i descidsd go get another two of them i got two of them did the drip method and all they lived for a week the new one died first than my original old one and today my...
  6. nightmarepl

    What is this coral and why isn’t he thriving

    hey y’all, so i got this coral pack from some guy offline bunch of stone corals and some softies he said they’d survive under my light but they really aren’t doing too well don’t know the exact same of them but i have some pictures of before and after Also been having low ph problems usually...
  7. scott11106

    why is my Chaeto dying

    so i have a new 300g with a 100g sump (see my build for details) and i have 2 kessil h80's in the refugium section of the sump with a bunch of broken up pieces of live rock. i put some Chaeto in a while back and it seems to continue to die off, i have tried pulling lights down a bit and tried...
  8. G

    Trochus Snails - Totally Inactive: HELP

    Hye guys, when I first ever got Trochus Snails I thought I had found the best thing since sliced bread. They literally cleaned the entire tank in a matter of weeks. Since having a few die, etc. I finally went back to the LFS for a cleanup crew (even though I'm there every second day pretty much...
  9. J

    Need help with dying Meat coral

    Just got this meat coral yesterday and has been in the tank for 36 hours. Today it seems like there is this brownish patch growing in the centre of the coral and white skeleton is protruding. The coral is placed at the bottom of the tank next near acans not touching whatsoever with low flow...
  10. DRTYshredCo

    Dying Trumpet / Candy Cane ??

    Recently I’ve been noticing my Candy Cane getting thinner and thinner, it now had it’s skeleton completely exposed. From what I’ve heard these are supposed to be dang near indestructible... my parameters read ok (outside of higher nitrates). Coral looked decent on 14 Feb & a week later (20 Feb)...
  11. pmaddox

    Can I Save My Yellow Tang?

    I have a 150g with: (2) clowns 1 Yellow tang 1 anthias 1 bangaii 1 coral beauty (3) chromis 1 Starry blenny ------------------------------------ I recently worked with a local, professional aquarium consultant to purchase 2 yellow tangs and a blonde naso. I went lights out for 24 hours. I...
  12. Diego.28

    Zoas Melting/Looking Irritated

    Hi, this is my first post on R2R. I've been using this forum as a resource, just reading threads, for almost a year now, and it's been fantastic, so when I encountered this problem I couldn't figure out how to solve, I figured I'd join. (But I'm sure I'll use this forum for a bunch else now...
  13. J

    Help! Is my GBTA dead??

    We have had this green bubble anemone for a few weeks now. He finally chose a spot last week and has stayed put. He has been inflating/deflating on and off but his mouth has seemed healthy for the most part. He was fine last night and this morning he looks like this! There is a big emerald crab...
  14. Renelope

    Echinopora dying?

    Bought a Green Eyed Blue Monster Echinopora Coral off live Aquaria about a month ago, he doesn’t look good right? Can he be saved? This is my first time buying plating type corals, I bought a pachyseris and a monti at the same time, and they seem fine. Pachyseris is at the top of my tank...
  15. NicLongman


    I will post links to previous threads so you understand if you want to read what happened. I just want to say thank you so much to everyone who helpede through my first tank crash. The problem started with my tank seeming to be cycled...well it wasn't. There was brown diatoms and green hair...
  16. MSB123

    HELP- is my anemone dying?

    I just received a blue tip seabae anemone from liveaquaria. He has not been eating as far as I can tell and he seems bleached. What should I do? He moves a bit but his tentacles are short and pulled in. Please help!
  17. P

    Is this cauliflower colt gone?

    Hello, I'm totally new to reefs, but have been keeping FOWLR systems for about 15 years. I purchased a cauliflower colt and a candy cane last week. Neither one has looked good since purchase, and the cauliflower is definitely showing some necrosis in one spot, although it doesn't smell bad at...
  18. A

    BTA caught in filter intake -- splitting, then not splitting -- help!

    Hi everyone! I just created an account to try and get some insight into what is going on with my BTA. I've creeped these forums for a few months now, but I haven't been able to find an answer to my question, hence the thread! Quick background: I have a 90 gallon saltwater tank that's been up...
  19. kennedpa

    Another reason to irradicate bristle worms

    Unsure if these are French in origin endulging on some escargot , but I as one who loves their CUC does not appreciate it. His friends are just standing idly by as though they're waiting their turn. :(
  20. RickG

    Snails Dying

    hey guys quick question. I have 125 gal tank that I set up early December 2016 and this is the second batch of astreas snails that die on me. My parameters are all on check. As for livestock I have two tangs, two clowns, some blue reef chromis, red legs, blue legs, 2 emeralds and cleaner shrimp...
  21. PatrickM

    [Help] Favia dying

    I have had this Favia for close to a year now with no problems. Params are good Temp: 80 pH: 8.2 NO3: 5 PO4: .01 Mars Aqua at 50% 16" off the water Everything in the tank is very happy and growing (mostly sps and lps few softies). I just noticed this white film covering half the colony, it was...
  22. Aaron Davis

    Snowflake Eel Symptoms

    This would be be second snowflake eel that didn't make it more than a week. My water parameters are all good with the exception of slightly high alkalinity for my corals. Nitrates are about a 10. Nitrites are a zero. Ammonia is a zero. Ph is 8.4. I found him kind of draped over a rock...
  23. Manchild

    Need help from some experts!

    I am stuck at a roadblock, for the life of me I cannot figure out why I cannot keep euphyllia Corals and such alive? I have lost some acans, acros and now my candy cane is not looking good. They tend to deflate, shrivel down and eventually die, yet I have some Aussie lavender acan, Echinata...
  24. pokegirl1332

    help identify and save my corals please?!?!

    I got a bunch of corals from the wwc live sales most of the ones I ordered are doing great but a few, not so much. I'm still fairly new to corals and I have these in a 120 gallon tank I upgraded to this july. the corals I'm posting came in a frag pack so I'm not entirely sure what they are...
  25. C

    Help save my Trachyphyllia!

    Hi, Yesterday I noticed my trachyphyllia wasn't doing to well, everything seemed to be okay until yesterday I noticed it was either bleaching or showing skeleton. I moved it too a lower light and lower flow area of the tank so see if this helped as it had been sat in my sand below an MP10. Today...