elegance coral

  1. EakTheFreak

    Mount elegance coral on rocks!!?

    Good Morning Reefers, I’ve had my elegance coral for about 1-1/2 years. Ever since getting my 3 leopard wrasses my elegance keeps lifting out of the sand and I have to push back into the sand and move it. It has been almost an every other day routine. NOT SO FUN! Long story short, has anyone...
  2. Lumbagix

    Is this Elegance Coral Syndrome?

    Help! I’ve had this Elegance for around a week or two now and I think it may have gotten Elegance coral syndrome? Parameters: Phos: 0.04 Nitrate: 30ppm (I think this may be the main culprit but I’m not sure) Alk: 8.4 Calc: 440 Mag: 1400 PH: 8.0
  3. Steve089

    Maryland Big elegance for sale! great price

    just got it in yesterday from aqua SD and it is too big for my tank, about 7” long, 5” wide, 4” high on a 4” disk...and I’m not even sure its fully opened!! blue tips, purple and green “electric” patterns asking $140.00 willing to meet within 25 minutes of zip code 21113 in MD to make the...
  4. ACF930

    Pennsylvania WTB WTB Unique Elegance Coral

    I'm looking for a very unique elegance coral (preferably one that is bright and has some yellow in it).
  5. j.register3

    Fluval EVO 13.5 Gallon: 4 Month Old Showcase

    Just wanted to share some pics of the nano today. Still got some work to do, but at 4 months old & my first saltwater tank, I am very proud! All the fish are happy/healthy & 95% of the corals are thriving. Fighting the last bits of cyano after consistently overdosing Red Sea AB+ for about 2...
  6. J

    Elegance coral issue

    Hi everyone, I have this elegance coral. It has been like this for a couple days. Temp 77.5 Salt 35 Ammonia 0.2 (measured after feeding) Nitrite 0.1 Nitrate 0 Calcium 480 Magnesium 1480 Phosphate 0.05 ALK 8.6 pH 8.2 Any ideas on what it could be?
  7. J

    Elegance coral not opening

    Anyone have any thoughts on the coral? Salt 35, calcium 500, mag 1400, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate 0.
  8. Brocksreef117

    Elegance coral placement

    I just got this elegance coral and was wondering if this enough room to let him grow out or do I have to rescale my rocks yo have more room on my sand bed the elegance is about 6inches by 7 when expanded and is on glass
  9. Brocksreef117

    Elegance coral white tips?

    My elegance has white tips is this new growth or bleaching
  10. liamtilley

    Elegance coral issue

    i got this elegance about a month ago and moved the tank to a new location in the house and this elegance was in a bucket for an hour while i was cleaning the tank then put him and the fish back in and ever since then it’s retracted more and more and now it’s like this. what can i do? is it dead?
  11. jnava19

    Help with Elegance Coral

    Hello! I've got an elegance in December, it was looking very good and has been doing good so far in the tank. However, last weeks I started to notice, it is starting to detach from the skeleton base, at the sides. You can see the skeleton in the sides and looks like every day is a bit more...
  12. The wet one

    Elegance destroyed and ate starfish. I don’t think this is normal.

    Well... I woke up this morning and started getting ready to feed my tank. as usual my shrimp and brittle star we’re already looking for food. Normally my star will slide along the bottom and my elegance and other torches don’t react. This time my elegance decided to obliterate my star. The...
  13. Arylus

    Getting stung by an elegance coral

    so i got stung, badly. but there is almost no information on the web about what to do and what to expect. so i though i will record it so others may benefit and learn from my mistake. i got stung cleaning the aquarium and my mistake was not wearing gloves, normally this is no problem, but if...
  14. F

    Elegance pest

    A few hours ago I had picked up a nice looking elegance from a LFS. The coral had been there for almost a month and looked beautiful. I took it home, drip acclimated, dipped and put the piece in my 125 gallon reef. About an hour ago from now I had spotted some claws coming from the elegance's...
  15. Kerbash

    Elegance Coral Syndrome: Treatment Log

    Background I came home from work today and was treated with my nightmare. One of my favorite coral, the elegance contracted the "Elegance Coral Syndrome". So I'm making this post regarding the treatment that I'll do and the results, fingers crossed, as a reference people who are having the same...