fish food

  1. Nutramar Foods

    Aquacultured Yurple Tang

    The Yurple was bred from a Purple Tang and Yellow Tang to achieve a remarkable hybrid. This species is vigorously eating Nutramar Dry Foods, Nutramar Nori and Gamma Frozen Foods. All in all, the Yurple Tang can be a great, hardy, and beautiful addition to an aquarium. With proper tank...
  2. Nutramar Foods

    Nutramar Marine Complete Shots

    Nutramar Marine Complete Shots are suitable for everyday feeding for your fish, corals and other invertebrates. Sticks easily to the side of the tank or rockwork allowing your fish to graze whilst giving you a close-up view of your fish feeding! Use in conjunction with Nutramar Marine Algae &...
  3. Nutramar Foods

    The Blue Tang of Many Names

    Paracanthurus hepatus is a fish of many (common) names. It is frequently called Blue Tang, a name that causes some confusion as it shares this moniker with a Caribbean surgeonfish from another genus. It's also called Palette Tang because its pattern looks something like the palette an artist...
  4. Nutramar Foods

    Male African Pencil Wrasse

    This remarkable male African Pencil Wrasse has made its way onto our WYSIWYG! Multiple specimens can be housed together, and it's quite possible to mix more than one species from this genus. Compared to most wrasses, Pseudojuloides are exceptionally peaceful and often quite timid. This must be...
  5. Nutramar Foods

    Photo of the Week: Hybrid Melichthys Triggerfish

    The Hybrid Melichthys Triggerfish is a one of a kind and a first here at Quality Marine! We believe this Triggerfish will grow quite large and will need a substantial amount of swimming space as an adult. So, an aquarium size of at least 125 gallons is recommended. Create a setup with plenty of...
  6. Nutramar Foods

    What Are You Afer?

    The Dark Moray is only found on the west coast of Africa, from Mauritania in the north to Ghana in the south. We see very few fish from the eastern end of the Atlantic Ocean make it to the north American aquarium hobby and an even fewer number of these fish are eels. Gymnothorax afer, the...
  7. Nutramar Foods

    Photo of The Week: Freckle Face Broom Tail Wrasse

    The Freckle Face Broom Tail Wrasse occurs in the Western Indian Ocean where adults inhabit coral reefs, sand and seagrass habitats up to 30 meters deep. They mostly feed on invertebrates, so are known to snack on clean-up crew members in aquariums. For continued health please feed them a mix of...
  8. Nutramar Foods

    It was Halloween, Let's Talk Scarus!

    There are only a few English common names for Scarus quoyi: Scarus Parrotfish, Quoy's Parrotfish, and sometimes Greenblotch, or Green Blotched Parrotfish. It has tons of common names outside of the English language, including over a dozen in the Philippines alone (though to be fair, there are at...
  9. Nutramar Foods

    Photo of the Week: Dr. Seuss Fish

    The story book famous fish, Dr Seuss Fish has made its way to Quality Marine again and caused a big excitement. This rare and exciting fish received its common named based on its elaborate patterns that makes it look like it came straight out of a Dr. Seuss book. Since they have fairly large...
  10. Nutramar Foods

    Photo of the Week: Spotted Gumdrop Croucher

    The Spotted Gumdrop Croucher maybe small in size but has a big personality. They are known to be shy after acclimation but over time they will become active and are known to even interact with their owner. Many call this little guy a goby since they look very similar, but they are actually part...
  11. Nutramar Foods

    Midnight In The Aquarium of Good

    Midnight Dogface Puffers come from the Solomon Islands, where they inhabit a wide variety of habitats. They are found everywhere from coral reefs to sea grass beds, to brackish estuary environments. The one thing that seems to be a requisite for them is relatively sedate, or at least predictable...
  12. Nutramar Foods

    Photo of the Week: WYSIWYG Brotula

    The Brotula Fish are known for their unusual appearance, with elongated, eel-like bodies and small, fang-like teeth. Given their deep-sea habitat and specialized requirements, Brotula Fish are recommended to the advanced hobbyist. This remarkable species is also a live bearer, which makes them...
  13. Nutramar Foods

    Dithering Dispar

    Dispar Anthias are very well suited for the aquarium life, given a proper environment and this starts with keeping them in groups. While a male isn't requisite because of their ability to change sex, we do suggest you start with one male and several females. This natural distribution will help...
  14. Nutramar Foods

    Photo of the Week: Flame Angel

    The Flame Angel is renowned for its striking coloration. Its body is predominantly bright orange to red, resembling the color of flames, hence the name. It has vertical black stripes on its body, with a distinct blue-black mask covering its eyes. The dorsal and anal fins are outlined with...
  15. Nutramar Foods


    What is brilliant yellow, about five inches long, often seen in groups and tropical? You guessed it, Banana Wrasses (Thalassoma lutescens)! Though to be fair, they're often collected singly as well. The females are a stunning sunbeam yellow. Males will gain some orange / green stripes to their...
  16. cwerner

    Freshwater Fish meat as food?

    I fish regularly and I'm wondering if there's any reason that freshwater fish meat wouldn't be a good source of food for my reef tank if I blended up some scraps and froze it like regular frozen fish food.
  17. Nutramar Foods

    Recounting the Royal Raccoons

    One of the fish nearly all of you will recognize has many dozens of common names in languages spanning the globe. The most common of these names in English are “Raccoon Butterflyfish” and “Halfmoon Butterfly.” Translations of these two names appear in several languages. Other names include...
  18. Nutramar Foods

    Orange Misbar Regal Angel

    The Orange Regal Angelfish is a visually stunning and highly sought-after species in the marine aquarium hobby. It is renowned for its vibrant coloration and graceful appearance. The Orange Misbar Regal Angelfish has an added twist compared to the more common Regal. They received the name due to...
  19. Nutramar Foods

    Aberrant Zebrasoma Tang

    We have been bringing in some beautiful and unique Aberrant Tangs that are truly one of a kind. Aberrant refers to the markings and colors that differ from the “normal” colorations of the species. They are very rarely seen in the aquarium trade and bring a lot of excitement to hobbyists. These...
  20. Nutramar Foods

    Photo of the Week: Male Diamond-Tail Flasher Wrasse

    The male Diamond-Tail Flasher Wrasse is an extremely colorful fish that is not commonly seen in the trade. They are known for their vibrant colors, stunning displays, and peaceful nature. The males are known for ‘flashing’ their bright colors when courting a female, which is a remarkable display...
  21. Nutramar Foods

    Aquacultured Black Storm Longfin Ocellaris Clownfish

    The Aquacultured Black Storm Longfin Ocellaris Clowns are a beautiful clown variant, which comes from breeding a Black Storm with a Longfin Black Ocellaris. The Black Storm Clownfish is from breeding a DaVinci Ocellaris with a pure Black Ocellaris. They are an excellent addition to just about...
  22. Nutramar Foods

    Orange You Glad I Didn't Say BlackHead?

    The Orange Body Filefish, or to avoid confusion, Pervagor melanocephalus is a very unique fish, both in looks and in activity. As such, there isn't really any surprise that it sometimes finds its way into people's aquariums. These very peaceful fish stay relatively small, with a record size of...
  23. Nutramar Foods

    Nutramar Food Displays

    These displays are now being offered to our valued store partners to hold our Complete Pellets and Shots. This full line of dry foods is perfect for feeding herbivores and omnivores. These foods are cold extruded to ensure no loss of nutritional value, easily digestible and produce low waste...
  24. Nutramar Foods

    The Brazilian Longnose Seahorse

    The Brazilian Longnose Seahorse (Hippocampus reidi) is a member of the family Syngnathidae, better known as the pipefishes and seahorses! Born at less than a centimeter, the fish will eventually reach a length of about 7 inches. (Total length in seahorses is measured from tip of tail to the top...
  25. Nutramar Foods

    Photo of the Week: Lined Tamarin Wrasse

    The Lined Tamarin Wrasse inhabits lagoons and seaward reefs in the Indo-West Pacific up to 42 meters deep. They have a very detailed pattern that makes them very desirable with hobbyists. This wrasse is reef safe with caution as they will not bother with corals but, they will snack on shrimp and...