
  1. SpclKay84

    Please Help Identify (Vid Included)

    Hello. So. My tank has been established for a little over 3 months now and for the last week I've noticed this dang worm thingy. I can't see it when the lights are off, but once the day time lights come on I notice something moves quickly then hides. After a while I see it peek it's "head" out...
  2. magicstix

    Coral Hitchhiker

    I just found this coral on some Florida aquacultured rock: This was about the best quality I could get with my cell phone camera. If anyone needs a better shot I'll see if my DSLR can render it better. Skeleton appears brownish/orange and polyps are green and fluoresce under actinic. The...
  3. Mariners

    Coral rx or bayers method for new corals

    hi everyone, Normally i use coral rx and qt tank for a week to check for any leftover pests. This has been successful with zoas and palys (which is all i buy). However getting new stuff including candy cane and blastos from aqua sd. Ive heard bayers is great method for pests but i wanted ur...
  4. scobeyra

    Flatworm ID

    Hey everyone I've had a duncan colony from a friend that tore down a tank for at least 6 months, and I always noticed it had weird pink splotches on it. It wasn't until I saw one yesterday on the glass that I noticed they were flatworms. They look pinkish in color. They seem to be staying put...
  5. Mike N

    Is this an asterina?

    After 3 weeks in the tank, my live rock finally revealed a couple hitchhikers. They are starfish of some kind, look pretty close to asterina, but would like confirmation. I have spotted 2 so far, just wondering if I should go ahead and remove now. Sorry for picture quality
  6. Mariners

    Hitchhiker my fruit loops, help identify plz

    Hi everyone, Got a new fruit loops zoa frag and i did the normal coral rx and then qt tank for a couple days. This frag has been in my dt for a couple weeks getting it acclimated to leds. Anyway i noticed what looks like tentacles (either a small feather duster or worse a small aiptasia)...
  7. Mariners

    Need help identifying hitchhiker on new frag

    Hi everyone, Got a new fruit loops zoa frag and i did the normal coral rx and then qt tank for a couple days. This frag has been in my dt for a couple weeks getting it acclimated to leds. Anyway i noticed what looks like tentacles (either a small feather duster or worse a small aiptasia)...
  8. Mike N

    Hitchhiker ID please.

    First confirmed living hitchhiker (other than worms). Closes when touched. Front: Side:
  9. B

    What kind of tiny crab?

    This little guy came in on a piece of coral. What is he? Good or bad? In the sump for now.
  10. D

    Hydroid? Coral? Hitchhiker on Maxima Clam

    Doesn't quite match anything I have seen in the ID thread. Tips are purple-ish changing to a lime green in the center. Agitated my clam on purpose to enable identification.
  11. Kayla Rosenberg

    Strange filter feeder hitchhiker

    I bought a orange tree sponge a little over a month ago. I have seen this tube looking thing on the bottom of it and figured it was an old skeleton that the sponge was on I have that side of the tank dimly lit for the sponge. I turned my bright lights on today to clean my glass ect and saw the...
  12. SLCarrillo

    Found a stowaway

    Found this guy, haven't added anything new to the tank in over a month and he just appeared. Seems to be cleaning and minding his own business. He looks like a snail with no shell. (I think we call those slugs? Lol ) I am not putting corals or anything in here so is he safe to stay or should I...
  13. ThunderGoose

    Eeek! These are all over the place!

    These look like the Acropia Eating Flatworms on @Lionfish Lair Hitchhiker's guide. I don't have any acropia. The tank is about a month and a half old and all I have are CUC and two corals (long tentacle plate and toadstool unknown type). Are these flatworms? Should I panic? There are literally...
  14. Sistawolf

    See anything??

    Sooo I once upon n a time had a pretty large colony of eagle eye zoas and noticed the colony getting smaller and smaller.. I am a zoaholic soooo I have several polyps that are expensive that I do not want this happening to.. can you see anything in the pictures that would be eating this one...
  15. ThunderGoose

    Mystery just showed up

    Any ideas? The shell was clean when I put it in a few days ago and I just noticed this today. I did have some feather dusters on live rock which I haven't seen for a while. This was taken through my microscope - the white part is the clean shell. Total size is 0.5 cm. Thanks.
  16. ReefingEd27

    Hitchhiker crab

    I found this crab a couple month back as probably 1/4 the size that it is right now( it's now about an inch). I first found it on a bubble coral and right now I just caught in on my Duncan coral. If anybody knows if this type of crab is harmful or if it's not a big deal please let me know thanks.
  17. Sarah007

    ID small crab and snail

    bought a new 11 pound Fiji rock a couple days ago and am seeing a small snail and crab, probably more critters yet to be discovered. The snail is probably 1/16 of an inch across and the crab is about 1/8 of an inch across (very rough estimates). Please let me know if either of the guys are...
  18. Gomery12

    Caught this guy tonight!

    Don't know how I got him but he poked his head out on a piece of rock that I could grab. Threw it in a freshwater dip and now he's out. I'm like what the heck, it's Punisher the crab or the death's head moth from silence of the lambs! Anyway, he's out. My guess is a type of gorilla crab?
  19. Valkyrie

    What kind of snails?

    Discovered tonight. #1 I wish I could have gotten a better view of it, but I couldn't for the life of me get it to come into focus. and #2
  20. PerplexyHexy

    Good or bad nem?

    i cannot tell what it is... i have 2... they are tiny rings with little tentacles and a white bubble on the tips...