
  1. J

    EMERGENCY What is this on my powder blue tang?

    I’m somewhat new to having saltwater tanks again and my first time having a PBT. I’ve have this guy for about 6 months now. Everything was good till about a month ago. He started to have white cotton like things on his fins and I treated him for that and cleared up. Now for like the past week it...
  2. X

    Blue Hippo Tang Condition

    Hello, I have a blue hippo tang. Just recently it’s been having spots on it. May I please get help identifying what it is? Ich or HALLE? Thank you!
  3. F

    Seeking advice - Moving forward after Ich / Velvet

    Hi all, I’m hoping for some insight & advice into my next moves here. My scenario: On my newly setup 265G peninsula, I’ve been stocking fish slowly over a few months. Latest addition was a Purple Tang from TSM, and total stock, in order introduced: 2x Blotched Anthias CB multibar angel 2x...
  4. F

    EMERGENCY Midas blenny skin looking dark and discolored patches

    I didn’t have a QT tank so I put her in a large Tupperware, I’ve had her since last October and she always thrived. I have a 75g tank and all of the parameters are normal, she’s always hiding in her little hole and she only comes out to eat, but today she was found laying on the sand barely...
  5. M

    Confusion about Ich and its treatment

    This is my first tank ever. I have a 24G AIO that has been running for 8 months now. I never had a quarantine tank due to space issues until my fish got ich mid-April. I wasn't sure it was ich as the first fish that died had no spots or anything visible on them (Hector Goby). After a day, my...
  6. Zaitsev

    EMERGENCY Anyone Know The What These Problems Are?

    Hi guy's. I Was treating tank for white spot/ich with polyp lab medic. At day 20 almost last day I've noticed this on my Queen Angel. Also Naso tang and emperor have cloudy eyes (parameters were fine). Done a 60% water change and dosed with flukesolve. My naso tang has came out with a few black...
  7. M

    Trying to make my QT tank look nicer, can I add live rock?

    I'm about to set up a 10G QT tank since I'm dealing with ich in my display tank. Since the QT will be near my display, I wanted to set up something that looks nice. So far the only fish I'll be treating is a filefish. I'm also going to be using copper. That being said, can I add a piece of...
  8. F

    EMERGENCY Clownfish has a few white spots

    I know this is probably one of the most common questions, but I have been digging the interent for hours, eyes are strained and I can't figure it out. My clownfish has a few white spots and patches on one side of her body. None on fins. She's been breathing fast since yesterday and sitting...
  9. bobdesi

    ich or lympho on pink streak/cryptic wrasse

    Hi there, my Cryptic Wrasse affectionately named Steve Buscemi has some white spots on him today. One prominent one on the top of the dorsal fin, and another on the left side that is also amongst some paleness that I can’t tell if is part of the same thing or aggression from the clownfish, kind...
  10. B

    EMERGENCY Are these white spots ich? Anything I should be worried about? How should I handle it?

    Noticed these white spots on my black ocellaris this morning. My first thoughts were ich or marine velvet. He's eating fine, isn't lethargic, isn't struggling to breathe. All water parameters are within good ranges. There's another black ocellaris I got with him that doesn't have any white...
  11. A

    EMERGENCY Small white dots on Scopas Tang

    I noticed around a week ago that my Scopas Tang had these small whites dots on his body. I have no clue what they are, I ruled out Velvet and Ich due to the fact that the dots haven’t spread to other parts of his body. I think it might be some sort of bacterial infection possibly. But i’m still...
  12. A

    EMERGENCY White spots on Scopas Tang

    My Scopas Tang has had these white spots on his side for around a week. He is eating and acting fine it’s just freaking me out. I can’t really come to a conclusion on what these can be. I had factored out velvet and ich simply due to the fact that the spots haven’t spread throughout his whole...
  13. Freeze 15

    EMERGENCY 2 clownfish/ happened overnight. Any advice?

    2 clownish look this way overnight. They are swimming at the surface. My dog face puffer is scratching on sand and rocks allot. Any thoughts of what this is and what I should do?
  14. S

    Help IDing ich vs brook

    Can someone help me determine if this is ich vs brook? Long story short, I found what I thought was a good deal on a kole tang and added it to my reef. All seemed well at first but now I've noticed a few spots on its fins which spread to all over its body. It seems to have infected my orchid...
  15. ncfalco

    Treating Ich in display tank before adding corals

    I recently added my first inhabitants to my display tank, 2 Red Sea clownfish and a turbo snail. They are all seemingly healthy, except that the larger female clownfish has a suspected ich white spot on her skin directly next to her eye. Since I have not added any corals to the tank yet, should...
  16. A

    EMERGENCY Please Help ID, Ich, Velvet, or Brooke’s

    Hi, This afternoon I lost my favorite, a black ice snowflake clown to an unknown disease. She was breathing very heavy, resting on the sand bed. Before death, she started swimming “possessed” and flying into rocks while doing flips, etc. I thought it was brooks as it looked like mucus coming...
  17. taylormaximus

    Fallow period vs tank breakdown

    Hey guys, so I started my first saltwater tank this year, added a firefish goby which almost instantly got ich and died. Now my tank is completely empty and I'm completely sad. Leaving out details of that story that I mentioned in other threads, my main issue now is that my display tank most...
  18. Scaggs1117

    EMERGENCY White spot near dorsal fin, only one on fish

    Hey guys, this morning I noticed a white spot near one of my clownfish dorsal fin. There’s only one on it’s body so I don’t think it’s the ich. I attached a picture even though it’s not the best quality. It’s sort of crater like raised a little bit. Was wonder if this was cryptocaryon or...
  19. taylormaximus

    Questions about Tank Transfer Method QT?

    So some brief backstory here, I set up my first saltwater tank about 6 weeks ago, got it cycled and added my first fish last week (firefish goby). I decided to forgo QT for the first fish fully aware of the potential consequences of this, figuring I'd get lucky with my first fish and I'd get my...
  20. taylormaximus

    EMERGENCY Help my firefish!!!

    Hey everyone, first post here! I just set up my saltwater tank, got it cycled and added my first and only fish, a firefish goby. My plan with the tank was to add the first fish directly and then set up a QT for all the fish afterwards (realizing that was a poor choice). I got the firefish and he...
  21. P

    ick or fluke on my firefish help

    Saw this on my firefish as I was about to do my water change and I saw him "darting" across the sand a couple of times. Is this fluke or ich? Can I just treat the tank with prazipro (the only other fish in the tank is a cardinal)? I'm QT a fish in my QT tank right now and currently treating the...
  22. D

    Is this lympho, ich or something worse?

    Just wondering if this is lympho (praying) or ich etc, it's had a very stressful few days we have had power cuts etc so any advice would be great!
  23. J

    Spots on gem tang (ich?)

    Hi everyone, I have several fish in quarantine right now and one of them is this gem tang. He is currently in a 55 gallon hypo-salinity tank with a blue jaw trigger, melanarus wrasse, leopard wrasse, and a pair of long fin clowns. They were in my 265 gallon along when I someone managed to get...
  24. jshaw1980

    Dead royal gramma

    Hi all, need some help if possible ..my royal gramma just died after only having this guy for a month. Found him dead today, was eating fine as of last night but has been hiding frequently the past few days but coming out to eat. Had another gramma previously that only lasted a few months. My...
  25. JennyH3

    Flukes or something else?

    I just did a freshwater bath on my Midas blenny & leopard wrasse. Some white flukes came off but there were little brown round dots also. Almost the size of mini brown pellet food. Also some super tiny black - prob black ich for that one. Thoughts. Of course I already dumped the water so no pics.