
  1. Injoynit

    Do some fish scratch but not have ick?

    I have noticed that some fish seem to scratch themselves against the sand bed every once in a while and it seems territorial to me but was not sure if that was a "thing" so I thought I'd ask and see if anyone knew.
  2. Jennie

    Flat worms/flukes

    i just saw a white thing on one of my dwarf angelfish last night. This morning it is gone but there is a spot of discoloration where I saw the thing. These fish are already in QT so can I dose copper and Prazipro general cure melafix? Also, if it is flat worms will that effect my corals that are...
  3. Connor


    Is this ick? I can't tell if it's the design on the starry blenny or not.
  4. tonybwill

    What does this look like.........

    What is it and how to treat it?
  5. reefnut007

    Does the ick harm my live rock and the beneficial bacteria in it?

    Newbie here...unfortunately, we caught ick in my Naso Tang late and the treatment did not help him survive. Does the ick harm my live rock and the beneficial bacteria in it? A related question is does ick medication itself harm beneficial bacteria within the live rock? Thanks for any help you...
  6. Shaun Sweeney

    Purple Tang - Ick like spots

    I have two 140 gallon tanks with a tang in each one. The tanks share a common sump. The oldest tang is probably 6 years and the youngest maybe two. I've only had the youngest for about 6 months. The oldest fish has had ick like spots on it for at least a year but it doesn't show the typical...
  7. leepink23

    Is this ick

    All my fish and my blue hippo tang have been in quarantine for 55 days while my display is fallow. First 30 days in coppersafe at 2.0 on api test, last 25 days with no copper, was getting ready to dose prazipro but now she has a white spot close to her eye. I have restarted the copper just in...
  8. jsbull

    Ich Fallow Period and Seahorses

    @Humblefish @melypr1985 I could use some advice and your expertise. Despite being quite careful with a solid QT process on almost all of my fish, I ended up with ich in my dual reefer set up. I expected to just manage it with a huge UV and selecting fish that could withstand it. Unfortunately...
  9. jamesbog283

    Flame Angel with ICK

    Hello everyone! I hope everyone had a great holiday and Merry Christmas! I'm going to start another post tonight with details and looking for advice on setting up an new 65 gallon tank I got for Christmas. However for this post I'm looking for advice on how to treat ick on a flame angel I...
  10. Sarah007

    I think this is Ick

    My McCosker just had they white dots/bumps show up on him. I think this is Ick but wanted a second opinion. If it is, what should we do. We do not have a quarantine tank. I couldn't get a good shot of it, but they are especially bad on tail fin.