new tank

  1. phillipsjo21

    Looking for new tank

    Hi, I've had a nano tank for a year and love it but find myself wanting to buy more exotic fish and coral. I'm looking to buy a bigger tank but have some specs I am looking for as well. I'm looking for a tank that is large enough for multiple larger fish, but I can still maintain myself as far...
  2. K

    Api Nitrate test!

    Hello! My ten gallon nano tank is hitting the one week mark. I have been ghost feeding with frozen brine shrimp and dried flake food since day 3, so far I have not noticed any signs of ammonia, nitrite or nitrate, I think. I used 4 pieces of live rock from a friends tank and the CaribSea Live...
  3. J

    Upgrading tank. Use old media/live rock to cycle?

    As the title says, I upgraded to an Innovative Marine 25g lagoon FROM a Fluval 13.5. I've had the new tank running with no lights and the old ceramic media in the back for about 3 days now. I'm planning on putting the live rock in today and testing the parameters. I guess my main question is...
  4. LarryNuke

    Build Thread First New Tank in 17 years Red Sea 300 G2

    I tore down my 90 gallon tank about two months ago and am about to order a Red Sea Reefer 300G2. I'm excited about it. I wanted to go smaller so if I ever need to sell my home and move into some smaller place to live, I can move it easier. And I was concerned about the stability of the 17...
  5. E

    First Saltwater Tank: Welcoming advice!

    Hi Everyone! I have years of freshwater experience and I am super excited to start my first saltwater tank. Just finished cycling my 55 gallon and have 2 Clownfish in now. I have about 75 lbs of base rock seeded with 3 lbs of live. Aragonite sand, Fluval FX4, and Max Flow wavemaker. (Yes I am...
  6. ScubaDoo613

    New tank!!

    Hello! I just purchased a waterbox marine 110! I am very excited as I am upgrading from a 30 gallon tank. Any pointers for set up with the water box tanks? Or any other recommendations on equipment that would be helpful for a larger tank size?
  7. W

    How long are these diatoms going to last?

    For reference I’ve had my tank set up and going since august 20th. I noticed the diatoms about 3 weeks ago and as of Sunday cleared off the rocks almost completely. Now we’re right back to where I was before, just 3 days later. I have provided pictures of the tank when the rock was cleared on...
  8. L

    120g reef stocking help

    I recently upgraded from a 37 gallon tank to a 120 gallon. So far, I have - 2 clownfish - 1 filefish -1 Yasha Goby -1 yellow watchman goby -1 neon dottyback along with these, I have two urchins, few hermits and snails, and two fighting conchs. I was planning on adding - Bluejaw Trigger - Regal...
  9. Justin Teufel

    Texas Live Goods Howdy Everyone, new tank, Looking for extra coral growth in the College Station area! (Aggie here!)

    Howdy y'all! It has been a hot minute since I have posted on here in awhile. Life has been busy with my new transfer to my new University - Texas A&M. Howdy all fellow ags!! I just transferred over this semester after my freshman year at my local college in New Jersey. I joined the Corps of...
  10. F

    Just picked up Australian Live Rock!!!

    I happened to be in LA this week with the family. Stopped by warehouse to pickup some AMAZING Australian Live rock!! @Eric Cohen was great on helping me out over the phone and accommodating me. I met Kyler & Nayt who helped me pick through all the rock...these 2 guys were...
  11. T

    Is My Clownfish Acting Okay?

    Just recently got my clownfish pair from a fish store last week. Water levels are within the acceptable levels for clownfish, they like to swim up the glass and to the top, or just float in the corner but don’t seem to sleep at night. One of them dart’s pretty fast in random motions from each...
  12. F

    Hello all!! Glad I found this site! Starting my FIRST saltwater tank period have questions

    Hello All, My name is Mike, I'm here in California.....I chose the name FreshSaltyGuy because I've only ever ran Freshwater tanks successfully for the past 15 years. I started off with a 20 gallon, then 50 gallon is where I ended up which was plenty. I was able to breed lots of fish in my...
  13. Reaper_Six_Four

    Moving Corals From an Established Tank to a New Tank

    Hey everyone, I'm just about done cycling my new tank and adding fish into it. My question is this, I mostly have softies with some LPS and very limited SPS in my existing tank (which will be decommissioned after new tank is complete). Many tanks take a while for stability before...
  14. SaltyShel

    Bacteria bloom?

    [Little bit of info/background]: I had this 16g tank running, empty, for months. It never had lights on, only sunlight, and I thought it was cycled based on the ammonia/nitrate being none or low. A couple weeks ago my poor clown was dying and I tried to save him, so I put him in this tank (the...
  15. 777_Aquatics

    new tank

    Hey guys new tank set up here, i got a Waterbox 15 peninsula. So far the water has been cycling for 3 days straight, i have had a couple days already where i had to add some water because the pump was running dry. I am assuming that it is evaporating? either way the water is staying clear and...
  16. L

    Growth on live rock

    Very new to saltwater tanks. I have a few things growing on my live rock and was hoping someone could identify it for me. New tank 1 month old, 10g nano tank. Test results have all been good and within the recommended levels. See images of growth attached. Also noticed a bunch of clear looking...
  17. RockyMountainReefing

    Thoughts on BrsTV Biome!!!

    What’s everyone thoughts on BrsTv Biome investigation? Wow was that some great information. I’m new to reefing but that really has to be pushing the envelope and progressing this great hobby. I would love to see the results of phase 2 but I just don’t have the time to wait 4 months for their...
  18. Ufjd144

    Monster Build My little 400G 12’ aquarium

    Last year I got lucky enough to find a person trying to sale their custom made 12’ 400G tank. They were moving out of their house, and it did not fit in the new house. $1500 later, the tank was mine. It included the stand, sumps, and a bunch of miscellaneous equipment. I paid a LFS owner $1000...
  19. C

    New to Reefing - Need advice

    Hey guys. I am fairly new and wanted to see if I can get some advice on if I am doing things correctly and where to go from here. Tank is 2 months old. Finished cycling after 2 weeks, and added 2 clowns (Phantom and Misbar), 4 Nassarius snails, and 4 Astrea snails. Unfortunately the Phantom...
  20. J

    Virginia WTB Looking for live rock/rubble in DMV - DC/NoVA

    Hi R2R, I have slowly been accumulating supplies for my first reef build (stay tuned for a build thread) for a Waterbox 100.3. I’m Just about ready to get this thing filled. To that end, I’m Looking for some live rock/rubble to get things started off on the right foot. I have a rock scape...
  21. HonorableWhat

    New tank leake test

    So, recently bought a new innovative marine 100 ext, and I am saving to get the sump that I want. My question is, it's gonna take a few weeks to save the money. Should I just plug the overflow and go ahead and leak test the tank, or am I good to just wait till i have it plumbed and a sump? I...
  22. L

    New tank plumbing help

    I’m in the process of upgrading from a 37 gallon tank with a canister filter to a 120g with 40g sump setup that I recently bought. This is my first sump setup and I want to make sure I do it right to lower the chances of any problems in the future. Pictured is everything that I bought and if...
  23. R

    Damaged tank

    I recently purchased a brand new Red Sea 425 G2 aquarium from Saltwater Aquarium. When R&L delivered the tank this morning, there was no visible damage. Once we removed the sump we notice a huge crack by the overflow. I contacted Saltwater Aquarium and Red Sea but didn’t get a response. Has...
  24. N

    Final phase of Cycle in new tank?

    Hi all, I have a 75 gal with sump. Lots of macro in sump and some in main display. Tank is 120 days old. Went through the high ammonia phase, went through the high nitrates phase, the Dino bloom, then into the bright green algae phase. I feel like I should start to see the bright green about to...
  25. Davar93

    What fish for an Anemone tank?

    I am thinking of switching to an anemone only tank with Bubble tips, carpets, and mini carpets. What fish can I keep? Clowns? Other damsels?