
  1. M

    Hello Starting with small drop off

    Hi everyone, I'm from a small EU country Slovenia. I work in waste business and my passion is waste water reuse. When I started my first fresh water tank many years ago it was also a learning project and testing ground for different filters, filter media, hydraulics, alternative cleaning methods...
  2. B

    Opinions on my first tank?

    Hi all, I'm new here. Kept freshwater tanks since I was young although I'm still 16 the saltwater has taken over. tanks been setup for just over a month now peramiters are spot on! I've reaserched everything and taught myself everything so far and would like an opinion from a pro reefer Stock...
  3. LenaByTheGulf

    Hello New to SaltWater aquarium world

    Hello!! Super excited to dive deeper into the salt water aquarium world! I have always wanted a salt aquarium but never the right time, I have worked in a lot of large retail pet stores as a DT. An it wasn't till now with working with these knowledgeable long term salt water and reef tank...
  4. S

    Stock help (First saltwater)

    This is the general idea I have right now for my 40 gallon breeder with tidal 110: - 1 Flame angle - 2 Frostbite clowns - 1 Purple firefish goby - 1 Diamond goby - 1 yellow prawn goby - 2 zebra gobys ———— As far as the above fish goes, someone I’ve talked to said the list would work, but...