
  1. AquariumDani

    Is everything OK?

    Is my tank too dirty? What do I add for a CUC? I have 3 mexican turbo snails, 4 astrea, 1 nassatrius (idk) snail, I had 1 tiger conch but I haven't seen him in a week. My corals and fish seem happy and my corals are open and growing pretty quickly. Parameters: Alk: 9.2dKH Cal: 400ppm Mg...
  2. Snake132

    Confused ! Tank has not cycled in 7 months !!

    Any one with experience please help me . My tank is 7 month old, I added fish after the first month. all my fish are very very healthy and happy . ————————-Info—————————— So since month one my levels have been Ammonium 0.025 Nitrite. Nitrate Ph. 8.0-8.3...
  3. ArialReef

    Too Much Matrix?

    So, I recently bought a 250ml bottle of Seachem Matrix. It says on the bottle that I should use the whole bottle for 25 Gallons of water. Currently, my water volume is about 13 Gallons. Can I use the whole bottle? Or should I follow the instructions? Also, in which part of the sump should I put...
  4. G

    Need Help w Quarantine Tank

    Hey everyone, I have a 215L tank which houses a couple of clowns, inverts (Chaiton, Mantis, Hermits, Snails) and some damsels. One of my clowns is a bit under the weather recently.. He developed a white fuzzy beard at one point, and retained it for about a week. This has now disappeared and...
  5. Mwag

    Royal Gramma Stressed out????

    Hello all, yesterday I naught a Royal Gramma from my LFS. I floated him for 15 mins and every 4 mins I put half a cup of water from my qt tank into the bag. By this time, the Royal Gramma was significantly stressed darting back and forth in the bag but he settled down. I added him to qt tank and...
  6. 1

    Rise in Nitrite

    For some reason my Nitrite rose up a bit from 0, not sure why but would the remedy be adding live bacteria? Tank is about 7months old
  7. S

    Imbalances in 60 gallon

    I have a 60 gallon aquarium with a corner overflow that falls into a 55 gallon sump. It goes through a felt filter sock and I have a protein skimmer in the large chamber. I have about 75 lbs of live rock in the display tank with a less than one inch deep sand bed.i have two suspended...
  8. F

    Question about my cycling tank (ammonia 0, nitrate 0 and nitrite 0)

    Hi to every reef tank lovers. I have a problem with my cycling. Maybe it’s not a problem, but I’ve always been at 0 nitrates, 0 nitrites and 0 ammonia. Don’t worry about the nitrates testing, I shaked the bottle really well. Here is my setup : - 80 gallons tank - 20 gallons sump - My...
  9. thinktank

    Confusion on Nitrate and Nitrite in saltwater tank.

    So, I migrated over to saltwater from freshwater and am currently waiting for my 100 gallon tank to finish cycling. I cycled using 5 dead shrimp I bought from a supermarket. After about 5 days of them rotting in my tank my Ammonia finally started to show up and when it hit 8ppm on around day 7...