
  1. Jeremy Chatham

    ReefBot Reef Kinetics Issues Post them Here

    If you are having trouble with your ReefBot, lets discuss them here. Lets find out if we are all having the same issues. I am currently experiencing the following issues with my new reefbot. 1.RoDi and waste container volumes are not calibrated correctly. 2.Result Values are not accurate...
  2. MnFish1

    Whats with my Tusk? Suggestions?

    So I know the answer - but since its common to post a picture and just say 'whats happening?' I thought I would try this out. For those of you in medicine - what's your differential diagnosis/. for those of you not in medicine - just ask any questions you like. FWIW - All corals are fine...
  3. nightmarepl

    What is this weird pink blob on my rocks and coral

    hey guys I’ve been having a few issues with my tank these last few weeks I’ve noticed i have some weird pink blob on my rocks here and there mostly every rock has atleast one now i noticed it on my hammer head corals stems i have some pictures of i poked out with my tweezers but they basically...
  4. Seth Francis

    Veggie Clip is a Vicious Monster.

    Okay, I’m madly confused. I have had a coral beauty in my tank for a while now, and she does a wonderful job of picking bits of algae off of the rocks ALLL DAY. I recently added a Tomini Tang in after a couple of weeks in QT. I’ve never been able to get the CB to eat off of a veggie clip, no...
  5. davejep

    Icecap Digital Refractometer issue

    So after watching the video and finding that my local store had some in stock, I decided to pull the plug and grab one. I have an issue with the reading I am getting. I have three different refractometers that I have collected over the years. All three have been calibrated using standard...
  6. Jeremy K.A.

    Low Salinity Help

    Hey reefers, my 10 gallon tanks salinity is at 1.021, I'd like it around 1.025 or 1.026. How can I raise it safely? Right now it looks like it needs to be topped off with.. maybe half a gallon or 1 gallon at the most
  7. Sashaka

    Over skimming since mid December 2017

    I have an AquaMaxx Cone S-CO3 in sump skimmer, which sits in a 40 gal sump filled with about 20-25 gallons of water. The skimmer is overkill for my newly set up 180 gal FOWLR tank but the skimmer size was suggested by the sales rep because of my messy puffer; however, I no longer have the...
  8. Samuel Diaz

    Eshopps problems? Warranty join in!!!

    Hello all!! I’m 3 months new to this. Started on the wrong foot from terrible advice from my local lsf to not being pattient . Any ways the problem : Purchased a hob eshop skimmer 75. Why ? I talked to the lsf and they told me to get it that it was the best thing in the world . It is not . The...
  9. pmaddox

    Seeking Help! - Triton Results: Tin, Aluminum, Potassium...ZOMG.

    I've been having mysterious issues with my sps and acans specifically not wanting to expand or let polyps out. Time and time again I've studied and talked to others to try and zero in on the issue(s). Finally, I decided to get a Triton test and I'm still having trouble breathing after reading...
  10. Jennie

    Mushroom Leather dying?

    My mushroom leather has been like this for 2 weeks and it keeps getting worse looking. I dipped him last week and he seems to keep getting worse. He did shed about a month ago and looked great and then one morning he turned. All of my big 3's are good except i am not detecting any nitrates. Any...
  11. Mike N

    Website product navigation error

    When browsing products on your website, I ran into a navigation error. 1) Browse a product category that contains more than 32 products. 2) Select the 'next page' option to view products on page 2. 3) Pick any product and click on it (not the quick look option). 4) Now click the back button...
  12. P

    Problems leveling tank

    Morning Everyone, So I have run into an issue with my tank. I ended up getting this off Craiglist and everything looked fine. It is a 180 gallon reef ready with a twist, the bottom panel is a PVC like material with a plywood backing (photographs to follow) I resealed the tank and built the...
  13. Angelo Fatica

    Aquarium Overhang?

    I just bought a 40 gallon br tank and have a stand that says it can support it. I measured the stand at 35.5 inches and the tank is 36 exactly. Is it ok to have the aquarium overhang .25 inches on each side? Width is perfectly fine, plenty of room. I had a 56 gallon column tank on it for about a...
  14. Jakewatt

    Hello from France, rookie here in a sticky situation...

    Hello fellow reefers! I’m scottish. I live in the south of France. As i’ve been spending more & more time on R2R, i finally decided to open an account. Good forums in France seem to be pretty scarce and you guys in the States seem to be at least 10 years ahead concerning reef aquariums, gear &...
  15. R

    One of my clownfish seems to be laying down and not swimming?

    For some reason one of my ocellaris clownfish is laying down next to one of my rocks and the other clownfish is fine and active. My Valentini Puffer also seems to be doing fine and is constantly roaming the tank. Every time i walk over to the clownfish that is laying down it will get up and swim...
  16. R

    Tunze Osmolator 3155 ATO Problem

    Hello, I am having a problem with my Tunze Osmolator 3155 and am hoping I can find some answers here. Thanks in advance I feel like this would be a common problem with an easy fix. Here is the issue_ When the water is low in the sump, the Tunze Osmolator 3155 pump turns on, it fills to the...