
  1. C

    Can Purple Tangs and Cleaner Wrasses have Toxic Relationship?

    I have a purple tang and cleaner wrasse paired together. The cleaner wrasse would swim around the tang, cleaning and doing its thing. I started noticing the cleaner wrasse would always go for the arm pits (both) of the purple tang. Now the Tang’s armpits are white, as if the cleaner wrasse...
  2. Primus

    Clownfish injury near gills

    I recently purchased two True Percula clownfish. The other day I noticed that the skin near the entrance to the fish's gills appears to be pulled and stretched out. There is also some pinkness observed on the skin. It is located on the white band near the fish's head. The injured fish and the...
  3. BRADventure89

    Dottyback blues?

    Hello everyone, I’m fairly new to the hobby and I have a dottyback I got a few weeks ago from my LFS that isn’t looking so good. He was fairly active and even a little aggressive at first but has started eating less and hiding significantly more during the day. He does seem to scrape his side...
  4. CookeRS

    Help needed identifying disease on Seahorse + treatment?

    Hi all, First time post. I have a Nano Marine tank with 3 corals, a Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp and a Black Common Seahorse. For about 2 weeks now, the seahorse has had a visible disease/issue with his eye, and it does not appear to be getting better. I have attached photos for a visual of...