tomini tang

  1. J

    Tang aggression towards new gobies

    Hi all! I recently bought two little green clown gobies and added them to my tank. My young Tomini Tang who is normally super chilled and gets on with everyone is trying to hunt these new little gobies down. They’re good at hiding but I fear he’ll eventually catch and kill them. Would you...
  2. N

    Can i add another fish or two?

    Hey Everyone, Pretty new to reefing all in all, about 12 months in and learning every day. Loving it so far indeed! My current setup is: Red Sea reefer g2 300xl Magnus Curve 5 with Co2 Scrubber 2 x Ai Prime 16HD lights All soft and some LPS coral so far My question is - I have a clownfish...
  3. F

    Tomini tang

    I got my first tang Friday. He been eating every day. Today he is not eating and is laying in his side. Ammonia and nitrate look fine. Anyways I did a 2 gallon water change. He is in a 10 gallon holding tank. Should I be super concerned?
  4. Curtie44

    West Virginia Live Goods Sailfin Tang, Tomini Tang, Coral Beauty, Mia's Pot of Gold

    I'm trying to shut down my 120G main display and need to unload some livestock first. Local pickup only please. I'm located in Martinsburg, WV, just 2 minutes off I-81 (zip is 25404). PM me if you are interested in anything. Sailfin Tang - $35 Clownfish - $10 Coral Beauty, sorry cant get a...
  5. NicholasDRR

    California Live Goods Red Sea (300XL G2) complete setup with livestock [$2,100]

    Hello everyone, Moving very soon and cannot take my tank with me. With work becoming more demanding as well I can't remain in the hobby. Selling everything together for a very cheap price, I still maintain the tank and everything is fat and healthy. This tank and all of the equipment were...
  6. Curtie44

    West Virginia Live Goods Sailfin Tang, Tomini Tang, Yellow Tang...

    Hey Guys, After over 15 years in the hobby, it's time to finally hang it up. Livestock needs to go first. I'm in Martinsburg, WV (25404). Local pickup only, please. Here's what's left with a few pics: Fish Sailfin Tang - $35 Flame FIn Tomini Tang - $75 Clownfish - $15 (no pic cause fish...
  7. J

    Tangs in 75 gallon reef

    Hi all, I have a 3x2x20” reef that has some persistent turf algae. I have a one spot foxface that occasionally eats some but not enough to make a dent. Other current fish include 2 clowns, a melanaurus wrasse, a flame hawk, and 5 small chromis. My nutrients are very low now, with nitrates...
  8. Trinh Fish & Corals

    Small Flame Fin Tomini Tang (1.5-2.25”) $80 Free Shipping

    I have small flame fin tomini tangs for sale. They’re about 1.5-2.25” big & price is $80 with free UPS next day air shipping.
  9. F

    Three tangs of different species in 125G?

    So I have a flame fin tomini tang right now which is very peaceful and non-aggressive to my fish. He's been in there several months. I have a powder brown tang and a purple tang on the way. Do you think these will get along with each other? The tank is a 125 gallon, six feet long by 18 inches...
  10. Reefdaddydave

    Is this Lympho on my Tomini Tang?

    Noticed these two white spots on my Tomini tang. Would this be Lympho? Thanks
  11. AdamNorris

    EMERGENCY What’s in my Tomini Tang?

  12. J

    EMERGENCY Oh No (Tomini Tang)

    Hey guys, getting a little nervous about my tomini tang ive been seeing him scrape up against some rocks every so often idk what it could be or if it’s natural ill post a video below… only could get him doing it once… he is very timid and hides alot when i walk up to the tank… good news he eats...

    Tomini Tang, Pajama Cardinal, neon blue cleaner goby for sale

    This thread is for the general discussion of the classified ad Tomini Tang, Pajama Cardinal, neon blue cleaner goby for sale. For more information about this item, please click the link or ask a question in this thread. Please add to the discussion here.
  14. J

    Tomini Tang Sickness

    Hello, My tomini tang has had marks on him for over a week now. Had to go away for a trip and it looks much worse. Have not been able to identify what it has. He is eating but is hiding a lot. He obviously looks more white than normal, had holes in the head, and appears to have a rust like...
  15. J

    Marine Velvet?

    I just had a Royal Gramma die after caring for the fish for months with no signs of disease. The fish died within 24 hours after I noticed it acting distressed. After it died, it had what appeared to be the outline of a bite mark on its side, but the bite mark was about five times the size of...
  16. marisp127

    Coloring of Tomini and Kole Tangs

    Curiosity question here. Do the tomini and kole tangs darken in color with age or is it just random special variation? I’ve seen tominis with a pale grayish colored body and then ones almost black. A similar thing seems happens with the koles with that light orange color in the body to a deep...
  17. N

    New Tomini tang with weird white "thing" on the side of his face.

    Hello! A few days ago I bought a Tomini tang that has been doing quite fine. (Eat quite well/seen him grazing from the algae and Nori that is in the tank and starts to swim around more and more now) However He/she started to have a white "thing" on the side of its head that looks nothing like...
  18. A

    White spots on Tomini Tang

    I've got a very shy Tomini Tang who is hard to get to hold still long enough to take pictures of but hopefully these are good enough. On the fish's left side near its dorsal fin are a couple of white spots. Could someone help me to determine what this might be and if what I'm doing is...
  19. Isolated Reef

    Bristletooth Tang Health Rapidly Declining

    Hey all, I’m getting desperate for some answers as my bristletooth tomini tangs health seems to be on a rapid decline. About 4 weeks ago, I noticed a white patch forming on the tang and it looked almost like the consistency of cotton. It started off small and after some research, it seemed to be...
  20. Valhalla Reefer

    Hello Tomini Tang aggression towards Bicolor Blenny

    Hi all, I’m wondering if someone’s had similar experience and could possibly offer some advice? I isolated a juvenile Tomini Tang who after a couple weeks of being super chill and peaceful.. began aggressively going after my Bicolor Blenny (also juvenile) Im assuming Tang’s aggression is...
  21. August_S

    Tomini Tang rubbing against Naso Tang

    I have an established fish only tank. I have a relatively large Naso tang I’ve had for years and a Tomini tang that I’ve had for about 2 years. They get along just fine. Suddenly, they’re both huddled in the back of the tank, the Naso tang is vertical, and the tomini tang is facing the opposite...
  22. Zachvet

    Tomini / Kole / Yellow Tangs

    Hey folks, Want to get your opinion on tang compatibility. I am upgrading from a 75 display to a 125, 6ft display (the tanks coming tomorrow and ill start my build right away). I currently have a Tomini and a pair of clowns - my motivation behind the 6ft tank was to get my tomini the space he...
  23. damselindistress

    Tang took a leap

    Last night I was tinkering with my skimmer after lights out and I must’ve startled my Tomini Tang because he took a flying LEAP out of my tank - I don’t mean he causally hoisted himself over the side I mean he took flight. It was so fast that all I heard was a splash and then wild flapping...
  24. B

    Tomini Tang acting strange

    I'm hoping someone can help me identify if something's wrong with my Tomini Tang or if it's recent actions are nothing to worry about. Yesterday I noticed that she was swimming frantically at times as well as swimming sideways. Today I've noticed the same but she's also now acting very...
  25. Seth Francis

    Veggie Clip is a Vicious Monster.

    Okay, I’m madly confused. I have had a coral beauty in my tank for a while now, and she does a wonderful job of picking bits of algae off of the rocks ALLL DAY. I recently added a Tomini Tang in after a couple of weeks in QT. I’ve never been able to get the CB to eat off of a veggie clip, no...