Monti Color Change. Is this bleached?


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Jan 15, 2024
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Hello folks, I have been reefing for only 6 months and I am making some mistakes! I have a bunch of corals right now and everything else seems to be doing fine. I have some shrooms, blastos, some zoas, a favia... I have a bunch of LPS frags lol.

I tried my hand at some SPS. I have a Millie and a Bonsai that I know just need a crap load of light which I am slowly upgrading to. Now, on to this Monti. At my local fish store, the skeleton/base of the monti was bright green with red polyps. It was super pretty. After bringing it home, dipping and acclimating it, I noticed only the top part was green and the rest was white. Later on, the whole thing became white but the polyps remained red.

Super big also, I noticed 2 holes in the monti and sometimes, something white would be sticking out of the holes. I used a needle to try and dig it out and dipping and the holes went DEEP into the coral. After doing some confused research, I assumed it was some sort of nudi or pest. I super glued the holes and those are the two semi green splotches you see.

I know I have made some mistakes, just wanted to inquire on if there were maybe some steps I could take to save this thing. It is on the sand bed now because it turned white while it was up super close to the light and I thought I bleached it.

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Mr. Mojo Rising

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Looks like its dying. I don't know if there's a pest inside of it.... if there is then I would remove it from the tank, just in case.

I see fibres coming from it hanging straight up, it indicates no flow. It generally likes high flow and high light, I would get it off the sand and raise it higher.


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Looks like its dying. I don't know if there's a pest inside of it.... if there is then I would remove it from the tank, just in case.

I see fibres coming from it hanging straight up, it indicates no flow. It generally likes high flow and high light, I would get it off the sand and raise it higher.
I was also wondering this. The left side of it looked dead when I bought it (and still does) but I chalked it up to "thats just how stuff looks" when fragged.

I can't quarantine it for another few weeks as I am setting up a 20 gallon and then will move everything else out.


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