Hello, I have had some things floating around in my head recently that I need answers for. So what is the difference in filtration between salt and fresh. Why in freshwater you use these big filters that are packed with biomedia for maximum surface area for beneficial bacteria (maybe K1 or something). Then you have saltwater where most people in terms of bio filtration use just solely live rock and a power head. Why cant you swap these in both salt/reef and freshwater. Certain medias must completely dwarf live rock in surface area right? If not why cant you use large porous rocks in freshwater with a powerhead and completely dodge the unsightly filters, Does freshwater nitrifying bacteria just not adhere to the rock like its saltwater counterparts? Do reef aquariums not use bio media because they don't want super efficient bio filtration so the corals have some nutrients to uptake? I'm sure these have some obvious answers so please let me know!
EDIT: I did not really know where to post this so if its in the wrong place sorry.
EDIT: I did not really know where to post this so if its in the wrong place sorry.